----Cut back to Rebecca's courtroom scene-----

Jennifer: Mr. Vega, under oath, is it your testimony that you struck Elizabeth Nicklen while driving Teddy Barrington's car? You turned yourself into police. You signed a full confession.

Ronnie: Yes.

Jennifer: Now, did you tell your attorney that Mr. Barrington paid you for a false confession?

Ronnie: Yeah, but I was lying to her. He never paid me. I hit the woman and I'm accepting responsibility.

Rebecca: So you were just lying to me when you told me you were paid to confess?

Ronnie: That's right.

Rebecca: You suddenly changed your story after getting a visit from Mr. Barrington's attorney, didn't you Ronnie?

Ronnie: Yea, cuz he appealed to my conscience. Plus, ya know, I don't wanna be sued for false accusin' somebody.

Rebecca: I see. You first told me he paid you thirty-thousand dollars. And then you told me to go to your apartment. And when I did, sure enough, I found almost thirty-thousand dollars-

Jennifer: Your honor, I have to object. She's giving testimony here. If she's gonna be a witness....

Judge: Let's just get through this.

Jennifer: A lawyer can't stand....

Judge: Overruled! Where'd the thirty-thousand come from?

Ronnie: Savings.

Rebecca: Savings? Ronnie, you made eleven thousand dollars a year in your best year. You saved up thirty?

Ronnie: Yes.

Rebecca: You have an account at Commonwealth Savings Bank totaling $703, why not put the thirty thousand in the bank?

Ronnie: It was illegal gains.

Rebecca: Illegal how?

Ronnie: I refuse to answer that on grounds it could incriminate me.

Rebecca: But you have a conscience Ronnie. And you're of the confessing mind.

Jennifer: Objection.

Judge: Sustained.

Rebecca: When you told me you were being paid to confess, and I was trying to talk you out of doing that, you said I couldn't know you-

Jennifer: These are attorney-client communications-

Judge: Counsel, you're lucky enough to have a scum-ball here who's willing to confess, why don't you sit and be happy with that?

Rebecca: You said the thirty thousand, plus ten thousand for every month you'd spend in jail. That's more money than you'd ever know. You said that going to prison, getting this money, might actually prevent you from becoming a criminal. That was all just a lie?

Ronnie: Yes!

Rebecca: You're lying now, aren't you Ronnie?

Ronnie: No!

Rebecca: Taking the fall for a homicide?? I bet you're getting a lot for that!

Ronnie: It was me drivin' the car!

Rebecca: Why aren't you looking at me Ronnie?

Ronnie: I look at you but you're just some ambitious bitch, doin' I don't know what or why.

Rebecca: I guess that's it. I'm just some ambitious bitch standing up here, who you're having trouble looking at.


(Scene of Ellenor and Helen's apartment. George is there.)

Ellenor: Hey, you sure you don't want to stay for dinner? I'm going to the market, I can get you whatever you like.

George: Thank you, but believe it or not, I actually have plans tonight.

Ellenor: Oh really? You have a hot date?

George: Are you making fun of me Ellenor?

Ellenor: Uh, no, actually I wasn't.

George: Well, I thank you for the offer, but I do have plans.

Ellenor: Well, I thank you for all the help. You wanna walk me out?

George: Sure.

-----Cut to closing arguments of Rebecca's case------

Rebecca: This is the craziest trial I've ever heard of. We have the defendant saying he's guilty, while his lawyer says he's not. I've been acting like a witness, offering facts into evidence and a lot of it has been attorney-client privilege. And all the while we have your honor up there, taping my client's mouth, calling him scum.... We have more grounds for appeal-

Judge: This is the trial court counsel. You can make your appeals later.

Rebecca: Maybe he doesn't care about Ronnie. But I bet he cares about the integrity of this room. I hope you care about it. Ronald Vega doesn't. He accepted money to be bought off the truth. He spits on this room. He spits on me, the judge, on you---

Vega: You don't represent me!

Judge: Mr. Vega!

Rebecca: You wanna rot in jail for cash, it's not just your business. It's mine. And it's theirs. And I won't be bought off. I doubt you will be either. You took an oath to uphold the law and find the truth. We all know the truth here, don't we? Ronald Vega wasn't driving that car.

Jennifer: If we can't convict with a confession, then something is definitely wrong with the system. All the evidence, all of it, supports Mr. Vega's confession. A woman is dead here, ladies and gentlemen. Ms. Washington may choose to characterize this trial as a farce, but a human life was lost. And we have an admission from the man responsible. If you were to acquit on the basis of the defense counsel's opinion---well, then we would have a farce, wouldn't we?

----Cut to offices of DYD&F-----

Bobby: You all set?

Lindsay: I still have a lot of work to do, actually.

Bobby: Well, I'm not leaving you here alone.

Lindsay: (smugly) I have a gun, remember?

Bobby: Lindsay.....I'm sorry. You just seemed to recover so fast, it didn't occur to me what should have been so obvious.

Lindsay: I'm okay Bobby.

Bobby: No. We're not going to make that mistake again, and just assume you're okay. You were almost killed. It's gonna take a long time before that trauma goes away. You were right....I was just happy to move forward and pretend it was all behind us. That's what I do. I like to believe everything's okay. But I can't do that here. (He kisses her hand) I am SO sorry.

Lindsay: It's just...him still being out there. It just brings it all back. I just keep thinking.... What if he's caught? Ever? And he goes to trial? And I have to testify...I... I don't think I could handle it. It was just so much easier with him being dead. I just want him dead.

----Back to Rebecca's court scene----

Judge: The jury has reached its verdict?

Foreperson: We have your honor.

Judge: The defendant will please rise. How say you Madam Foreperson?

Foreperson: Commonwealth versus Ronald Vega, on count one, vehicular homicide, and count two, leaving the scene of an accident, we the jury find the defendant, Ronald Vega...not guilty.

Rebecca: Whadda ya know?

Judge: Members of the jury, we thank you. You're free to go, as is the defendant. We are adjourned.

Rebecca: This is a pattern with me, I get them off, they never say thank you.

Judge: Miss Washington....The court thanks you.

Rebecca: You see that look he just shot me? What was that?

Eugene: Well deserved. C'mon, I'll buy you dinner.

----Scene of Ellenor and Helen's apartment-----

(We see water running in the shower. Then Ellenor comes in the apartment door)

Ellenor: Hey Helen, I found the spinach angel hair pasta! I got all the ingredients. Hello? Helen?

(Ellenor runs in the bathroom, to find Helen laying unconscious in the tub with the water running on top of her)

Ellenor: Helen! Helen???!!! Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god....

(She checks for a pulse, then runs to the phone. The phone is dead, the line to the wall has been severed)

Ellenor: Dammit!!

(She turns, and there is George Vogelman in a nun's habit!)

George: Something wrong Ellenor? I changed my mind about dinner. But I think Helen's too dead tired to cook.

Ellenor: (stunned, and in a whisper) You?? Susan Robin? Lindsay??

George: You told me you had to work late that night, remember Ellenor? I had theater tickets. You said you'd be in the office till at least nine but when I went there I found Lindsay.

Ellenor: (starting to cry) Why did you hurt her? Or Helen?

George: Helen's not dead. She just inhaled a little chloroform.

Ellenor: She's alive?

George: Sometimes I like to simulate death. When she wakes, she'll find you.

Ellenor: You came to kill me.

George: You know how many times you've killed me?

(She eyes her purse lying on the floor a few feet away)

George: Think you can reach that gun? Think you can use that gun to kill me Ellenor? Let me make it easier for you....

(He kicks the purse toward her so it is right next to her on the floor)

George: I would love to go out that way. With you pulling the trigger. Go ahead Ellenor, get your gun.

(She grabs her gun out of her purse)

George: Go ahead, shoot me. You'd be doing me a favor wouldn't you? Putting me out of my miserable, pathetic existence.

Ellenor: (She points the gun at him) What you don't know about me, is that I would. I will shoot you.

George: Then do it! I'll make you do it. I'm gonna kill you, unless you kill me.

Ellenor: George....

George: DO IT!!

Ellenor: Don't come any closer!!

George: Shoot me Ellenor!

Ellenor: Don't make me pull the trigger! Don't make me do it!

George: You're gonna have to do it Ellenor. You're gonna have to be the executioner.

Ellenor: George, put the knife down, we're gonna talk about it, just put it down.

(He comes at her with the knife, and she shoots him. He falls over and lays on the ground.)

George: (As he falls) You did it...you did it....

(Ellenor runs to the bathroom to help Helen. She shuts off the running shower and tries to revive Helen by shaking her and prying her eyes open.)

Ellenor: Helen! C'mon, wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Helen! Wake up! It's Ellenor, open your eyes...open them up...good girl...good girl...hey, can you see? Helen? Helen?

(Suddenly a shadow approaches behind her. She swings backward and its George. She knocks him against the bathroom wall as she screams...)

Ellenor: Open your eyes!

(She runs to the door of the apartment and tries to get out. But the door is locked. George approaches behind her)

George: I'm feeling better. I could even dance. (He spins around) What's the matter Ellenor? Not as dead as you hoped for? I told you, I love to simulate it. I put your blanks in your little gun earlier. You didn't really think I wanted to be killed by you, did you? Although I did want to see if you'd do it.

Ellenor: George, please, if you're psychotic or whatever, you obviously need help, and I can help you.

George: You just shot me. Now you wanna help me?

Ellenor: You have an insanity defense for everything you've done.

George: Well, then, I'll also have one for what I'm about to do.

Ellenor: Please!

(He lunges at her with the knife)

George: Bad boyfriend!

(All of a sudden there is a shot, and George is shot from behind. Ellenor screams. George falls against the door and a streak of blood follows him. Helen is there, with her gun, stark naked. She shot George in the back as he was trying to stab Ellenor. Now Ellenor and Helen just stand there in silence staring at his body).

-----End of episode-----

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