Bobby: We just have a couple of questions. It'll only take a minute.

Mrs Baker: Come in. (they enter) Michael, take Kevin and go to your room please. (they don't move) Now. (Michael takes Kevin's hand and leads him away) I know what this is about.

Eugene: So you made the call?

Mrs Baker: Yes.

Eugene: My son says he was set up.

Mrs Baker: Is that what you told him to say?

Eugene: Excuse me?

Bobby: I'm sorry, Mrs Baker, but somehow we've gotten off on the wrong foot. All we're trying to ascertain here is why you made the call.

Mrs Baker: Kendall's dealing drugs. He tried to get Michael to do the same.

Eugene: I don't believe that.

Mrs Baker: Believe it.

Eugene: Do you know my son? If you knew my son you'd know that that's just not possible.

Mrs Baker: (walking across the room) Do you like my clock? It has a tiny camera inside. A nanny-cam. I figure with what you hear on the news, you can't be too careful. Two nights ago, I come home and I find this on the machine. (she presses a switch)

Kendall: (on video) We can make some money.

Michael: (on video) When are you gonna get it?

Kendall: I meet him at 4:30, he's gonna give me eight bags.

Michael: You heard Brian Armstrong got committed in DYS.

Kendall: He's 14. We're 11. Juvy. Big difference, especially is we deal more than a dozen feet away from the school. The park's better, we don't need to be a hundred feet away.

Michael: But what if we get busted?

Kendall: My dad says that if you get caught, never admit to anything. Even to your lawyer because they'll be stuck with whatever you tell em.

Mrs Baker switches off the TV and looks at Eugene with an 'I told you so' look on her face. Eugene is in shock.

The conference room. Jimmy, Lindsay and the Kimbrows are seated at the table.

Kimbrow: (in disbelief) One thirty-five?

Lindsay: No admission of liability. I think we can push them to one fifty.

Mrs Kimbrow: But they don't even admit to blame.

Lindsay: No. But the fact that they're paying money, people can infer blame.

Jimmy: We think we should accept. The kid who shot your daughter, we've got no evidence as to how he got the gun, whether it was any connection to how it was marketed.

Kimbrow: I'm sorry. Mr Berluti, when you agreed to represent us, you stressed that this was about money. And I know that your contingency is hanging on... (takes a deep breath) What we really want is a verdict.

Lindsay: I don't think you'll get it.

Kimbrow: I know this seems very selfish of us, but we can't settle out on Lisa's death.

Mrs Kimbrow: What we want to try to do is affect the way these people do business. One hundred and fifty isn't even a pinch to them.

Lindsay: We're not going to affect the way these people do business, Mrs Kimbrow.

Kimbrow: We don't have any money now, but I am willing to pay you by the hour so that you don't lose out.

Jimmy: That's not an issue. If you wanna keep going, then we'll keep going.

Mrs Kimbrow: (after a pause and so quietly you can hardly hear her) Thank you.

Sharon's kitchen. Kendall is seated at the table, with Eugene and Sharon standing on opposite sides.

Kendall: Thay can search it without a warrant?

Eugene: Don't worry about they. They are the least of your concerns right now. Worry about me. Now why're you selling drugs? (Kendall doesn't answer) Answer me!

Sharon: Eugene.

Eugene: He's dealing. I can't believe you'd be so stupid -

Sharon: If you would stop yelling at him -

Eugene: And you stop protecting him. (walking around the table and right up to her)

Sharon: I'm not protecting him. I want to hear what the boy has to say. (Eugene swallows and turns back to Kendall)

Kendall: I'm sorry, but -

Sharon: But what?

Kendall: It's just marijuana. It's like selling beer.

Eugene: (rolling his eyes) Oh, that's a good response. (to Sharon) Aren't you glad you heard that?

Sharon: (walking over to Kendall) Kendall, do you smoke pot, and drink beer?

Kendall: No. I just thought I could make some money. I don't do that stuff, I swear.

Sharon: Like you swore those drugs weren't yours.

Kendall: Technically, they weren't mine. I got 'em on consignment.

Eugene: What!? How do you know a word like that? And who gave 'em to you? (leaning over Kendall) Boy, who gave you the drugs?

Kendall: He goes by Robby G. I don't know his full name.

Eugene: (quietly in recognition) Bobby G.

Sharon: (shocked) You know him?

Eugene: I don't know, maybe.

Sharon: Either you do, or you don't.

Eugene: He might work for a client of mine, I'm not sure.

Sharon: That's nice. Father and son. Both working for the same guy.

Nighttime, at the office. Jimmy and Lindsay are both working at their desks.

Jimmy: I always make this mistake. I buy a new pair of shoes for trial, they're not broken in, and I get a blister.

Lindsay: (turning to him) Try mine. (They both smile. There's a pause) You're still chasing the ghost of Jimmy the Grunt, aren't you?

Jimmy: You tried to stop me from making that commercial, I remember.

Lindsay: Jimmy, you've come a long way from Jimmy the Grunt. Look, we even have an offer here, which is a miracle!

Jimmy: How come with the tobacco company, you were like Don Kehote (sp?), (standing) but here...?

Lindsay: We had a much better case against the tobacco company. And you know how people love guns.

Jimmy: But don't you agree that these companies are supplying criminals?

Lindsay: Yes. (she nods) But -

Jimmy: But what?

Lindsay sighs, then slowly opens one of her desk drawers and removes a key. With it she unlocks one of bottom drawers, and removes from the top of some files a small hand gun. Jimmy is shocked.

Lindsay: Working late here, with the crazy loons we represent... I don't want gang members getting a hold of guns like these, I don't. But I'm glad I got mine.

-------------------- Commercial --------------------

The conference room, the next morning. Jimmy is seated at the table. Lindsay walks to the door.

Lindsay: Ready?

Jimmy: I think.

Lindsay: The key is not to try to pin him. He testifies in all their trials, he's like a professional witness now.

Jimmy: But I got to go hard, don't I?

Lindsay: For him, I'd keep it under control. Plus, don't press for answers. Do your damage with the questions and then cut him off. You have to cut off the reponses, he's persuasive. Stick to yes and no as much as you can.

Jimmy: Okay.

Lindsay: Oh, you have some ink on your face. (they both reach up to rub it off.)

Bobby's office. Ellenor walks in.

Ellenor: It seems they can search the locker.

Bobby: Without a warrant?

Ellenor: Comes down to reasonable suspicion.

Rebecca: Which they didn't neccessarily have. The informant has to be reliable.

Bobby: The tip didn't come from a snitch, Rebecca. It came from some kid's parent.

Rebecca: But there's no evidence the principal knew the parent, which means she has no basis to determine his reliability. Also, on the tape, Kendall said that it was bad to have drugs near the schools, that would go against suspicion of the locker.

Ellenor: The tape isn't relevant to probable cause. The principal didn't even know about the tape when she okay'd the search. She was just acting on what the parent said.

Eugene: And she didn't know the parent.

Ellenor: Which means they wobble on reliability. I think Rebecca's right. We could shut this down.

Bobby: All right. The DA is Steve Bennett. Helen agreed to talk to him, I'm on my way to see her.

Eugene: I'm coming with you.

Bobby: No, you're not. I'll have a better chance without you there.

The courtroom.

Hyde: The idea that we market to criminals is an absolute lie.

Lawrence: Your ads do show young men with guns.

Hyde: As do ads for trucks. We shoot for a rugged demographic. To say that means criminal is irresponsible, if not repugnant.

Lawrence: Okay, but Mr Hyde, you don't deny sometimes your company's products fall into the hands of people who use them for criminal purposes.

Hyde: Look, we comply with every federal and state safety regulation, every distribution regulation. What more can we do? This is the equivalent of holding Ford Motor Company liable because somebody buys one of their Broncos and runs over people.

Lawrence: I guess their argument would it's more forseeable that a gun would end up in the wrong hands than a Bronco.

Hyde: And I don't dispute that. But nor can we control the chain of custody of our product after we sell it. A lot of these guns used in crimes are stolen.

Jimmy: You're familiar with recent studies showing that almost half the hand guns used in crimes are legally bought from licenced dealers.

Hyde: Oh, I'm aware of the studies. I don't agree with the data.

Jimmy: But you're aware that these studies show these guns are bought by straw-purchasers, for people who can't legally buy them.

Lawrence: Objection, he's trying to introduce studies and research as evidence.

Judge: Sustained. The jury will disregard it. Mr Berluti, that's enough.

Jimmy: (walking over and turning over a mounted advertisement) This your ad for the tac-10?

Hyde: Yes. One of the elements -

Jimmy: There's no question before you, sir. Is it your testimony that you do not try advertise to people who might use your guns for criminal purposes?

Hyde: That is my testimony.

Jimmy: Referring to an advertisement running in this month's Soldier Fortune magazine, talking about the tac-10. Does it represent the weapon to have excellent resistance to fingerprints?

Hyde: There's a context -

Jimmy: It's a yes or no question, sir. Does the advertisement represent the weapon to have excellent resistance to fingerprints?

Hyde: Yes, but there is -

Jimmy: Thank you. You testified that you follow all state and federal regulations with respect to distribution, did you not?

Hyde: Yes.

Jimmy: Again, this is a yes or no question. Does your company ever sell gun kits through the mail?

Hyde: Yes, but -

Jimmy: You've answered the question. Sir, my understanding of gun kit, it's not considered legally a gun since it doesn't include a receiver. Would my understanding be correct?

Hyde: Yes.

Jimmy: And since it's not legally a gun, no background checks are necessary. A convicted felon could order these kits through the mail. Would that be true?

Hyde: Yes.

Jimmy: Do you also advertise something called a frame flap that can be bent into a receiver?

Hyde: The context of that -

Jimmy: It's a yes or no question.

Lawrence: (standing) Your Honour, I object.

Judge: Overruled.

Lawrence: He should be allowed to finish his answers.

Judge: He's being asked yes or now questions. The objection is overruled.

Jimmy: Your company advertises these frame flaps, true or not true?

Hyde: True.

Jimmy: You also supply your customers with an 800 telephone number they can call for assistance in how to make a frame flap into a receiver?

Hyde: We have an 800 number that offers general assistance.

Jimmy: Assistance including how to turn a frame flap into a receiver!

Hyde: Yes.

Jimmy: If I were a convicted felon, and I wanted a gun. To avoid a background check, I could order one of your gun kits, order a frame flap, call you up, and you'd help me make the receiver.

Hyde: There are a lot of law-abiding people, Mr Berluti, that enjoy making their own guns.

Jimmy: Sure. Okay. (he sits)

Lawrence: (standing) Why do you advertise that the gun has a resistance to fingerprints?

Hyde: Well, it refers to the moisture and oils on the hand, a moisture that can corrode the metal. We're talking about a finish that goes to the gun's wear and tear. It has nothing to do with avoiding police fingerprint detection.

Lawrence: Thank you. (he sits)

Jimmy: (standing) Your ad doesn't read resistance to moisture which causes corrosion. It reads resistance to fingerprints, right?

Hyde: Yes.

A hallway. Bobby and Helen are walking quickly.

Helen: He's willing to continue without a finding. One year probation, but if you move for a suppression hearing, then he's going to recommend a delinquent finding.

Bobby: Oh, come on.

Helen: (stopping) Bobby, they can make intent with this kid. They're offering probation.

Bobby: All I'm asking is that they don't pull the offer if we challenge the search.

Helen: It's policy, I -

Bobby: It's Eugene's son.

Helen: I understand, but, Bobby, if we ever did that for you or Eugene, come on. You know how this goes. (the elvator arrives and she gets in) Why are you even blinking? Just take the no finding and probation and be thankful.

The office. A man walks through the door and stops at Lucy's desk. She looks at him suspiciously.

Best: I'm here to see Eugene