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My Special Mach Man Randy Savage Page !

My Special Mach Man Randy Savage Page !





Q............Was he really married to Elizabeth?

A............Yes. They were divorced in 1992. "Macho Man" Randy Savage (real name Randy Poffo) and Miss Elizabeth (real name Elizabeth Hewlett) were officially married December 30, 1984 in Frankfort, KY. Their "Match Made in Heaven" was just a gimmick Vince McMahon used as a draw for SummerSlam '91.

Q.........How many World titles has he won?

A.........He has held the WWF World title on two occasions, once in 1988 and once in 1992, and the WCW World title on three occasions, once in 1995 and once in 1996 and again in 1998. As an interesting historical note, he lost three of those five titles to Ric Flair and the other two to Hulk Hogan.

Q.........Is he related to "The Genius" / Lanny Poffo?

A.........Yes, the two men are brothers, and both are the sons of famous wrestler Angelo Poffo. Savage's real name is Randy Poffo, which just about everyone knows anyway.

Q.........Where is he? Is he coming back?

A.........Savage is currently negotiating with WCW over a new contract, and/or the WWF. He is widely expected to be signing with the WWF in the new year.

Q.........Who is Gorgeous George?

A.........Savage’s real-life girlfriend, Stephanie Bellars, bought the rights to the "Gorgeous George" gimmick and began accompanying Savage as his valet when he returned to the ring midway into 1999. She is signed with WCW until June of 2000 and cannot come with him to the WWF until then.


Real Video Interview
Randy "The Macho Man" Savage

Thanks to "ING Wrestling


Macho Man part 1. (Real Video Stream)

In Part One, Randy discussed recent challenges in his wrestling career; his status with WCW, wrestling Dennis Rodman on pay per view, overcoming the leg injury which almost ended his career last year and more.

Macho Man part 2. (Real Video Stream)

In Part Two, we dive back into some of the most important challenges and victories in Randy's life; winning the world title, his jump from the WWF to the WCW, his feelings on Hulk Hogan, his marraige to Elizabeth and more!

Macho Man part 3. (Real Video Stream

In Part Three, Randy discusses what he has left to accomplish in the wrestling industry. He talks about the chances of him going to each major wrestling company, including Japan and ECW, and answers the question as to whether he would "pass the torch" to the new generation!


-=- Randy Savage Wanting back on WWF Territory -=-

- In a recent interview conducted by IGN, Randy Savage was their guest and had a few intersting tidbits to say. He commented on Owen Hart's death as a tragedy as Owen was a true friend of Savage, as everyone else, and said that if he didn't take the fall, someone else would have, so it was a lose-lose situation. He commented on his family and Owen's ability to be a great friend and a great guy off-camera. Some others interesting thing said, one that caught my eye, was Savage stating he has no WCW contract, and did the Thunder Battle Royal appearance because WCW asked him to, it was a one-shot only deal if I may quote the Macho one. He said WWF is the place to be right now and commented on getting back in shape and his knee-injury only making him stronger. He also briefly went over his feud with Dennis Rodman and stating throwing him in the letrein was his own twist to the match, wasn't written to happen. It was "Wrestling 101" as he said, which isn't a real book right now, but he'd gladly right it if he had the time. Speaking of books, when asked the question if he would write an autobiography like the dozens of other wrestlers have, he has no current interest to do so. Today was only part 1 of this interview, and not a bad one, very worthy of checking out as Savage continues his quest to return to the World Wrestling Federation. Part 2 of this interview goes out tomorrow, check out IGNWrestling.com tomorrow for the next portion of this interview with former WCW and WWF world champion Randy "Macho Man" Savage.


An Interview with Macho Man Randy Savage

Q: Randy - or should I say, Mr. Savage...
A: Just call me Macho Man.

Q: How'd you get that nickname?
A: I had it ever since I was a little Macho Baby.

Q: Was it true you played minor league baseball back in the early '70's?
A: Yeah, but they couldn't sew a baseball tight enough when it came to me hitting it. I'd knock the cover off every time. They had to finally drop me from the team 'cause they couldn't afford so many new baseballs.

Q: That sounds like a bit of a stretch.
A: You caught me. Actually, I left baseball the minute I realized they weren't gonna name a candy bar after me.

Q: The Macho Bar?
A: Yeah, big, sweet, and a little nutty. Just like me.

Q: And after baseball, you went into wrestling.
A: That's how it's told in the history books.

Q: Wrestling's been very good to you.
A: Oh, yeah.

Q: Speaking of which - that seems to be your trademark saying - you can't think Macho Man Savage without thinking "Oh, yeah!"
A: The "Oh, yeah!" just sorta popped outta my mouth once and it caught on. I'm a guy who lives in the moment. I just say what's in my head at the time. And if I feel an "Oh, yeah!" coming on, I'm gonna let it out.

Q: Is it true your father turned you on to wrestling?
A: My dad was my hero. I saw a lot of wrestling growing up. I loved it as a kid and I love it now. I'm very lucky to be getting paid for something I'd do for free. I mean, I'll wrestle you right now if you want.

Q: Um, that's okay. They didn't have a wrestling program when I was in college.
A: You went to Wimp U and I went to Whup U.

Q: Very clever.
A: I'm just messing with you, you know that.

Q: Do you see yourself as a role model?
A: Just because, you know, attention's focused on you, you do have a responsibility to your fans to be honest and to share your time and to always do the right thing. Life's gonna throw you curveballs, man, and you have to deal with them as best you can. It's not the problems - it's how you react to the problems that counts. Listen to me, Macho Shrink.

Q: What do you do away from the ring?
A: I love the beach. I love working out. And I listen to lots of music - classic rock stuff.

Q: You've been associated with Slim Jim some time now. Do you really eat Slim Jims?
A: You kidding? I've got a lifetime supply. When I say "beefy, spicy" in those commercials, I mean it. I love Slim Jims and I love doing those TV commercials.

Q: Do you ever plan to retire from wrestling?
A: No way! Even in the Great Wrestling Ring in the sky, I'll be doing the flying elbow drop. It'll be pure heaven. Oh, yeah!!

"Macho Man"
Randy Savage

Real Name: Randy Poffo
Nickname: Macho Man ,Mr Madness
Home Town: Sarasota, FL
Allegiance: Unknown
Pro Debut: 1973
Randy Macho man held the championship belt 5 times in his illustrious career with the WCW.

Before becoming a professional wrestling, Savage was an accomplished athlete on the baseball diamond. He played professionally on minor league clubs as a catcher and first baseman for the Chicago White Sox, Cincinnati Reds and St. Louis Cardinals.