Workshop on Visualization and Verbalization of Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Aspects Faculty of Science and Mathematics,
14—15 December 2001
Second Announcement
1. General Information The objective of this workshop is to study already existing methods and to discuss and develop new concepts for a stronger integration of visualization and verbalization of mathematics in teaching and research and their applications in the natural, engineering and medical sciences and in economics. The workshop is also aimed at initializing and promoting the interdisciplinary dialogue and scientific cooperation. It will provide a unique and centralized forum and bring together experts from Yugoslavia, Germany and various countries in Southeast Europe who are committed to developing, introducing and using innovative methods in teaching and research. Furthermore it will give the opportunity to extend existing partnerships and to establish new scientific projects of cooperation on an international level. There will be eight plenary lectures of 45 minutes on 14 December. The plenary lectures will be survey talks of interest for all participants. On 15 December, there will be workgroups/sessions in the fields
The objective of the invited talks and short communications is to present results and experiences in visualization and verbalization with a special emphasis on interdisciplinary applications. The round tables provide a forum for the interdisciplinary discussion of criteria for the effectiveness of visualization and verbalization of mathematics, the definition of special requirements in the various sciences, and the developments and the establishment of well-defined projects of future scientific cooperation. The results and projects of the round tables are to be presented in the final joint session. Computers, a video beam and overhead projectors are available for the presentations. The official language of the workshop is English. A social dinner is planned on 14 December. Prior to the workshop, on 13 December, there will be a one-day conference in Nis of the members of the joint research project Geometry, Visualization and Applications of the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences, Belgrade, and the Faculties of Natural Sciences of the universities of Belgrade, Kragujevac and Nis. Participants in the workshop are encouraged to also attend this conference. Furthermore there will be an exhibition during the workshop to display models of mathematical objects, computer graphics and presentations in electronic form. The workshop is financed by the German Federal Ministry of Research
and Education (BMBF).
2. Organizing Committee Main Organizers: Eberhard Malkowsky,
Slavik Jablan,
Secretary: Vesna Velickovic,
Associate Members: Tomislav Pavlovic,
Miroslav Ciric,
Mailing Address: Workshop Visualization
Organizing Committee: Professor Dr Eberhard Malkowsky
fax: +381 18 46460
3. Call for papers Abstracts of plenary lectures, invited talks and short communications should be prepared in Microsoft Word and contain the title, name/names of the author/authors with the speaker clearly marked, their institutions and mailing and e-mail addresses. The proceedings of the workshop will be published in the international
electronic journal Visual
Mathematics. Papers should be prepared in MS WORD, graphics and
figures have to be in JPEG or GIF format not exceeding 700 pixels width.
Further details will be available during the workshop
Deadlines: 1 December, 2001 for the abstracts 31 January, 2002 for the full papers of the presented talks.
4. Registration Participants are kindly requested to download and complete the registration forms for the workshop, exhibition, and the abstract form and return them by e-mail to the organizing committee ( or not later than 1 December. The registration desk will be in the lobby of the hotel Ambasadoron 13 December, 6pm-9pm and in the entrance hall of the University of Nis, Univerzitetski trg 2, on 14 December after 8am. For further information you may visit the websites:
5. Nis and the University The city of Nis is situated in the south-east of Serbia, in the Nisava valley at 43°19' latitude north and 21°54' longitude east, some 250 km south-east of Belgrade. Nis is one of the oldest cities in the Balkans. The central city area is at 194m altitude above sea level. The city area covers 596.71 square km including the city of Niska Banja and 68 suburbs with a population of more than 300 000 inhabitants It is the second largest city in our country, and the centre of the Administrative District of the Nisava. Nis has regular national and international connections by bus and train. It occupies the crossroads of the most important Balkan and European traffic lines. It is in Niš that the trunk road running from the north forks into two major lines: the south one, leading to Thessalonica and Athens, and the east one, leading towards Sofia and Istanbul. The cilmate of the Nis area is moderate, continental. The average temperature is 11.2°C. July is the warmest month of the year, with the average of 21.2 0C. The coldest month is January, averaging at 0.2°C. The University of Nis has 12 faculties, among them the faculties of Science and Mathematics, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Medicine, Economics, Technology and Teacher-Training. Over the past 35 years, the University teaching staff has grown to 1,300 and its student body to more than 24,000 including 360 foreign students. So far, more than 33,000 students have graduated from the University, 1,340 have earned master's degrees and 850 have successfully defended their doctoral dissertations. The information on the city and the University of Nis are courtesy to the websites where further details may be found.
Map of Nis PMF: Faculty of Science and Mathematics