Connections in
JULY 27 - 29, 2001 Southwestern College, Kansas Suggested Topics:
Current list of invited speakers: Donald W. Crowe, professor of mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; co-author of "Symmetries of Culture: Theory and Practice of Plane Pattern Analysis" and "Excursion Into Mathematics". Ivars Peterson, mathematics and computer science writer and online editor of Science News (; MAA online writer of the Ivars Peterson's MathTrek column (;author of "The Mathematical Tourist", "Islands of Truth", "Newton's Clock", "Fatal Defect", and "The Jungles of Randomness". Leonard Shlain, chairman of laparoscopic surgery at the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco; associate professor of surgery at UCSF; author of two critically-acclaimed, award-winning national bestsellers: "Art & Physics: Parallel Visions in Space, Time, and Light", and "The Alphabet Versus The Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image".
Kim Williams, architect;
editor-in-chief, Nexus Network Journal (;
director and proceedings editor, the international conference of "Nexus:
Relationships Between Architecture and Mathematics"; author of "Italian
Pavements. Patterns in Space".
Special Presenter: Corey
Cerovsek, International violinist, Musician and Mathematician; Winner
of the Grand Prize of the Canadian Music Competition at age 9; Bloomington,
Hosts and General Session Speakers: Nat Friedman, Mathematician and Artist, Director of the International Society of the Arts, Mathematics and Architecture, State University of New York, Albany. Carlo
Séquin, Computer Scientist and Virtual Sculptor, IEEE Fellow,
Member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences, University of California,
The Conference publishes refereed proceedings of presented papers. Papers accepted for publication should follow the proceedings format and be camera ready; however, for review they don't need to follow a set format. Interested authors must submit their papers by 2/1/2001 for review. The authors will be notified of their papers' status and in case of acceptance will receive papers for revision by 4/1/2001. Authors need to resubmit the papers in formatted, revised form by 5/15/2001. In this step, the original clear figures and graphs should be submitted with the papers. If a presenter is not able to submit a paper for presentation, he or she may send an abstract (not more than 1 page) to be published in the Conference Proceedings. There is no reviewing process for abstracts. The deadline for abstracts is 5/15/2001. Please send your papers or abstracts to: Professor Slavik
Please visit "Visual Mathematics" on-line journal , No. 3, 2000 ("BRIDGES 2000" in "VisMath") edited by Professor Slavik Jablan:
There is a registration fee of $50.00 for each day or $120.00 for the entire conference plus $30.00 for the Proceedings. The 1998, 1999, and 2000 Bridges Proceedings are available for purchase: Barnes & Noble,
Besides area motels, Southwestern College offers lodging and meals on campus. For participants who fly to Wichita, Kansas (the closest airport to Southwestern College, Winfield, Kansas) and report their arrival and departure times in advance, there will be transportation available for the evening of July 26 and for the morning of July 30. For more information you may visit Bridges Home Page:
For other information not available on the web page (or if you want to add your e-mail address to the mailing list) you may contact: Reza
Sarhangi, Director,
You may also contact the following Bridges Advisory Board members regarding the conference: Central:
Professor Amir Assadi,
Professor Nat Friedman,
Professor Carlo Séquin,