Finnish-American comic creator Klaus Nordling (pseudonyms: F. Klaus, Ed Norris, Clyde North) is primarily known for two things; his invention of the comics' first 'stretchy guy,' The Thin Man (1940)), and his acclaimed run on Will Eisner's Lady Luck (1942-1952, with a break for war service.) Note: Nordling will leave comics after Lady Luck and spend the rest of his working days in advertising.
The feature presented here has little in common with those innovative strips, but does have a certain limited charm. This story was first published in Quality's Military Comics #11, August 1942, and stars Shot and Shell, two persistent foul-ups stumbling their way through war-torn Europe. While not exactly comics at their finest, this is an interesting, mildly entertaining, and instructively typical example of the sorts of humor strips filling out the back pages of GA war-time anthology titles. Here, our hapless heroes hardly hustle Hitler handily, but do manage to somehow cut the bigger-than-life Fuehrer down to a relatively credible dimension.