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Welcome to the Region 5 Director's Newsletter page! Each month, Gary Mink, the Region 5 ABATE of Ohio, Inc. Director, writes an article for the Outspokin'. You can read it right here! Check back each month for news and views by Gary.

In like a Lion....

Here it is March, I hope this month stays true to coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb.  I am looking forward to getting out there and enjoying some great warm riding season.  "Soon brothers and sisters, soon."  I would like to thank everyone that came up to the ABATE of Ohio, Inc. Seminar in Columbus last month.  I know I heard a lot of information that I had never heard before.  I thought I was up-to-date on all that is happening, Man was I ever wrong!  Even this old dog learned a few new tricks about Motorcyclists Rights and about ABATE moving on into the future even stronger than every.  I wish all of you could have been there, but since some of you could not make it for what ever reason, please do both of us a favor and try to get to a county meeting near you.  All of your County Coordinators were at the Seminar and are wanting to explain to you all that they have learned from this enlightening experience.  Trust me on this one folds, they have a lot to tell you.  Motorcycling, as we know it is about to end!!!


Here is a run down on some of the highlights of the Banquet you missed this year.  JP Pennington, received the Regional Award from our Region this year, for excelling in the fight for Motorcyclist Rights, here is Southwest, Ohio.  JP takes these rights and the mission of ABATE very personally. 


Another find person Paul "Whiskers" George received the ABATE Lifetime Achievement Awards for his many years of dedication and hard work he has given ABATE of Ohio, Inc. for all these years.


One of ABATE of Ohio, Inc. biggest sponsors in the State, Ray Phipps, owner of Aces & Eight Harley Davidson also received an award from the State to honor him, Anne Phipps and all the employees at Aces & Eights H-D, for their dedication in helping with the preservation of motorcycling rights here in Ohio.  I want to thank everyone at Aces and Eight H-D for bringing in over a 1,000 memberships into ABATE since they opened their doors to the public.  They have their hearts in the right place helping to fight for the rights of future generations.


Speaking of Motorcycling Companies, getting behind ABATE and helping save our Rights and Freedoms here in Ohio, I would like to welcome Easyrider's of Fairfield  into the ABATE Membership Program, starting in February Easyriders, sellers of Big Dogs, Titans and a major dealer in aftermarket parts are now giving away an ABATE Membership to every person who buys a new or used motorcycle from them.  I would like to say that for all of you that just need some parts for those Rides or some new biker threads both of these two shops are giving ABATE Members that show their membership cards a 10% discount on all parts and accessories or clothing that you may buy. 


Again, I want to thank both of these companies for their concerns for Motorcyclist Rights.  I am hopeful that before this year is out I will be able to get some of our other dealers here in SW Ohio involved in this program.  My goal is to get Honda, Yamaha, BMW and Indian along with other Motorcycle Dealers here on the same Program.  We have just as many other Bikes in ABATE as we do the V-twins.  As more Dealers come on line I will keep you informed to any new businesses you may help support as members, and that are helping to support ABATE of Ohio, Inc with this program.


If you have not received your Region 5 Calendar of Events for 2002, check you mailboxes, it should be arriving soon.  Calendar of Events will also be available at all County Meetings in Region 5.  Speaking of events our first big Region 5 event of the year starts out May 4th on our Annual Run from S.W. Ohio up I-71 to Columbus, Ohio for the State Motorcycle Awareness Rally and Parade to the State Capitol.  So mark this date down on your calendar in bold letters and don't forget it.  Last year we had 254 bikes on this ride.  Our group stretched out almost three miles long.  There will be more about this MUST DO EVENT in next month's article. 


So until then ride safe brothers and sisters and I will be looking forward to seeing all of you at the next ABATE meeting near you.   

Ride Free 

Gary Mink

Region 5 Director

Email: gmink@go-concepts.com




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