Letter from the adoptive mother


There will never be enough words to express all I feel for you and your decision to allow Tony and I to be adoptive parents to Kayla. While your decision to place your daughter had to be the most painful one facing you so far in your life, I hope you are able to find peace and comfort in knowing we will always honor our commitment to you.

I know you have made a great sacrifice in allowing Tony and I to become parents. When we attended the first ultrasound appointment both our hearts melted and from that moment belonged to "our" daughter. In allowing us to participate in doctor's appointments, Lamaze, and delivery I believe you have made this the best experience of our lives. I thank you for allowing us to be so involved in the pregnancy, birth and naming of Kayla Leigh Nicole.

I have so enjoyed having you spend time in our home. I miss seeing you in a daily basis. Getting to spend time with you and to know you better makes me more committed to our on-going relationship- and I know we've made a great match. It also allows me a glimpse into what my daughter's personality may be. You have so many admirable characteristics. You are caring, intelligent, self-assured, self-confident, have a good sense of humor and a wonderful laugh, speak your mind and are thoughtful of others. Kayla is lucky to have such a wonderful birthmother.

I am committed and look forward to continuing our contacts with you, your mother, and any relative who may want contact with Kayla and us. I am looking forward to bringing her to the coast so your friends can meet her.

You have my solemn vow to love, honor, cherish, protect, and provide for Kayla all my life.

I hope spending time with us has helped ease or reaffirm your decision that Tony and I will be the best parents we can be: that we will be fair, open, trusting, loving, supportive parents.

I know this is a bittersweet time for all of us as we welcome Kayla into the world- you reflect on what could have been with her, and we of what will be.


*Letter from the adoptive father*

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