This page is dedicated to all my friends from around the World

There on a busy street corner stood a young woman, her clothes soiled from the days dust, her wind blown hair blowing in the nights breeze, she pushes a stroller that is tattered from wear and tear and it contains a small child, the child is heard laughing as it watches the moths dance in under the street lamp, the woman leans over the stroller to only smile at the baby and then pushes the child across the street to the other side.

Slowly because she is tired, she stops at a doorway, knocks but the person inside said "No more room" sadly she continues her journey, she finally finds a place in the inn, where she knows she has found a light and safety for her and her child. In a couple of years and with a second child she joins a carnival to seek the amazement of travel from town to town and mysteries of the life of these people, but again just found misery and unhappiness. She then finds shelter of her own a new job and safe haven for herself and children, with the help of a friend. I speak of this woman because she was I over 17 years ago, homeless and not knowing what my future for me or my child held. Friends helped me make it through this darkeness giving my light and hope. once again I was working and found security within.

Now I have two children and once again find a new darkness, a darkness many people have and we need your help!

My name is Terryann I am a webpage designer now for three years and on August 10th 1999 I was diagnosed with AML (Acute Myelogous Leukemia) it was one of the darkest days in my life but though the many friends I have and family I am making it through.

Please help by giving the gift of light and life, donate blood or marrow and being supportive like my friends have been to me and they continue to help me fight my disease.

Thank you to all my friends from my heart

Much love,

Cyberstar aka Terryann


Here are some links about donating and what Leukemia and Cancer is and other helpful information:

UnRelated BoneMarrow Transplant Guide (a must to read)

Health Organizations

NMDP(online web information site)

American Cancer Society

The Leukemia Foundation

The Oncochat page



If you have a link related to Leukemias or Cancer feel free to contact me

ICQ Cancer Support Line.....Join today free ICQ #50645268

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