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Australia Weakest Link


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Weakest Link

Official Name : Weakest Link
Host : Cornelia Frances
Contestants : 9
Studio : UK Studio + Home-made podiums
Highest Prize Money : AUD $100,000
Aussie contestants have to face Anne Robinson look-alike Cornelia Frances. Like her British counterpart, Cornelia doesn't mince her words. The show has been inundated with complaints about her rudeness, but for Cornelia it's all water off a duck's back. She says,'If people think I'm a bitch in real life then so be it. I know I'm not - although I can be...'
By June 2001, 10,000 people had applied to be on the show. 3,000 of them were given auditions and 300 of them have appeared on the show.

Like the BBC's UK version of the show, the Australian production has made some Special Episodes. The first, 'Worst Loser Special', was shown on 7th May. Nine 'bad losers' - who had considered themselves unfairly voted off in previous episodes - competed for a chance to avoid the Walk of Shame a second time and this time leave with the money. The show gained the highest ratings in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. Channel 7 were certainly NOT the 'Bad Losers'!

The show achieved the highest ratings again with its Celebrity Special in May, and topped it off with a Champions Special later in the month. Eight of the the nine champions got to find out what it felt like to do the Walk of Shame, and leave with nothing, while one was the Strongest Link for a second time.

The show goes out twice a week on Monday and Thursday at 7.30pm.

Did you know? By the end of 2001 Australians will have seen around 80 episodes of Weakest Link!

Cornelia welcomes you

Australian Studio

Cornelia Frances

Cornelia looking very mean

Cornelia in the Studio

Cornelia in the studio

Corny Cornelia

All pictures are properties of channel 7.