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Fonts and Font Sizes

The <font> tag is used to control the characteristics of a given set of characters.

1. size attribute indicates the size to which the font is to be changed. The values of size are 1 to 7. You can also specify the size as a relative value using the + or - characters in the value for size. You can change relative font sizes from -3 to +4.

<head> <title>HTML Tutor</title>
<p><font size=+2> Font </font>
<p><font size=+4> Font </font>
<p><font size=1> Font </font>
<p><font size=3> Font </font>


2. face attribute can be used to change the actual font of the text.Font takes as its value a set of font names, surrounded by quotes and seperated by commas.

<font face="arial,helvetica">Arial Fonts</font>

The text between the <font> tags would be rendered in Arial. If Arial is not available, the browser will try Helvetica, and fall back on the default if Helvetica is not available.

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