Web tools, gadgets, and HTML scripts
This page is divided into 3 sections:
Web Tools | HTML scripts | Ideas for your N64 site

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Find out how to insert this at your website!

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Want Links to have no underlines?HomepageUse this code:

Want your frame to have no border?Use this code:

Here's a few programs you should join or enter:

This is a nice submitter to search enigines.You can submit up to 34 search engines of your choice for free.All you have to do is put this button on your page:
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Join a webring.These are very helpful for getting more hits.Try to join at least 2 or more webrings.When you join a webring, they give you an HTML code to put on your page.My advice is to put the code in a "webrings" page instead of your homepage.

Gamesites.net.Enter your page in this banner exchange program just for video game sites.Need a cool banner?Get one at Nintendo 64 Web Design.