Odds & Ends - Wells Carnival


Next Carnival Friday 14th November 2003

Every year in November the streets of Wells are shut down for an evening to allow the Wells Carnival to pass.

The November 2002 Carnival was the centenary event and was held on a perfect clear, crisp dry evening. Large crowds gather to watch with people coming from all over Britain.

The Carnival is a procession of spectacular floats containing many thousands of light bulbs, sound systems and performers. In addition between the floats will be individuals wearing the most fantastic of costumes. Local "Carnival Clubs" will have spent many months and hundreds of man hours preparing the floats and costumes for this event.


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The Carnival procession slowly snakes its way around the narrow streets of Wells - usually taking approx  2 hours 30 mins to pass. Get there early to find a good vantage point. The aim of the Carnival is to promote the City and to raise money for local charities.  Some of the floats are mobile targets with collecting nets for you to throw your coins.

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It is a great sight and well worth combining your visit to Wells to coincide with the November Carnival.


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