I wish to use this page to express my most sincere appreciation to all of you. You are all wonderful! First and foremost, I want to thank Hunter, Betsy and Mariah for sharing their lives with my family over the past years and for teaching me what courage, strength and faith truely are. They have displayed those qualities time and time again.
Thank you.

I wish to thank Tyler... for being Hunter's friend.
Thank you.

I wish to thank the community we live in for their support for Hunter's family and many other families throughout the years. I have seen this community do many wonderful things for others. So much would not be possible without this continous outpouring of love.
Thank you.

I wish to thank Jill for helping me create this page...it made the process twice as fast.Especially for all the time and thoughtfulness she has put into Hunter and his family.And Rob for his help fixing what Jill and I mess up. For helping with seeking out similiar sites and helping get the word out about Hunter.Their help keeps this page up and running and expanding.This would not be possible without them.
Thank you.

To Deb who made the Hunters Hope banner and several other backgrounds. Mack for his concern and offers of help. And for fixing Hunter's picture and spreading the word about Hunter around. Thank you. To Lady J, for creating beautiful graphics for Hunter when this site was still an idea in my head.
Thank you.

All of you and more have helped to make this web site such a success. Never in my widlest dreams did I imagine it would take off as it has. Thank you.

I wish to thank everyone who is praying for Hunter. Everyone who is helping to lift his spirits and passing the word along.
Thank you.

To the Doctors and Nurses who are in charge of Hunter's care. And to the Angels who keep an extra eye on Hunter.
Thank you.

Nikki, a wonderful young woman who donated Beanie Babies to Hunter and Mariah, as well as many other children facing similar circumstances,
Thank you.

I wish to thank
Spirit Creations for their donation of a personalized grizzly bear plate for Hunter.
Thank you.

I would also like to thank a very special man we all know as Maggie. Maggie is a close friend of Hunter's family and has time and time again displayed the utmost support for Hunter. The first time Hunter was diagnosed with cancer, a benefit was put together to help raise money for Hunter and his family. At the benefit, Maggie decided to collect donations to cut off his very long hair. Not only did Maggie cut his hair but he shaved it off. A very large amount of money was raised this way. I cannot recall the exact amount but a few thousand dollars, I believe. Each time Hunter's cancer reappeared, Maggie again shaved his head. Maggie is always there to offer his support and encouragement to Hunter and his family. This is only a small piece of the love Maggie has shown to Hunter and his family and for that Maggie, I Thank You.

Thank you Maggie!


Thank You Stardust