This is the index page of anything and everything ever written about Doctor Who by the production team of Joe Ogulin and Louis Singh, aka The Two in the TARDIS.

We are the ORIGINAL internet reviewers of things dealing with the show. Since our original publications in 1988 and 1989, which are listed below, we haven't done all that much because one of us has beein working on a PhD, and the other has been seeing the world courtesy of the part-time Presidential International Help Plan, and holding a full-time job while working on a MS. (So as you can see, we're both in the $#!T-piling business.)

We are the first to have taken flak for this stuff. We are the first to have been approved for reading by JN-T himself. We are the ones who actually have something fan authored hanging on JN-T's wall. We are the ones who basically created the concept of reviewing Doctor Who on the internet.

Now that one of us has finally learned HTML, our stuff will begin to appear here as we work on it. Please note that the Review of the John Nathan-Turner Era of Doctor Who and the Standardized JN-T Bashing Letter have been published in various fanzines and newsletters, listing our names as the authors. We do not ask for any monetary reimbursement for use of our material, however, we do require that you (dis)credit us, should you decide to use any of it.

We are the ones solely responsible for the content, so please do not bother the internet service providers who give us access to the internet.

Neither of us believes in being politically correct. If you take offense to things easily, leave now.

Here's the list of the stuff we've done and their original publication dates

This Doctor Who Time Ring site is owned by Joe Ogulin.

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