Welcome To Morgan's Page


Hi, I'm Morgan I am almost nine years old. I like to play all kinds of sports such as basketball, softball, gymnastics, swimming, and I also like to collect things, I have a collection of beanie babies, Barbies, and attic treasures. I have a brother and a sister their names are Johnathan and Samantha, my brother is fourteen and my sister is five.

Here are some of my beanie babies.


You can design your own Barbie on the Barbie web site. Here is mine, it is lots of fun and so easy to do. All you have to do is go the Barbie web site and let the fun begin. My link is below.


Here are some Rugrats!!




I learned these verses in childrens church.

All things work together for good to them that love God.

Romans 8:28


The Lord protects my life.

I am afraid of no one.

Psalm 27:1


"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.

His love endures forever."

Psalm 136:1

For God so loved the world that he gave

his only begotten son that whosoever

should believe him should not parish

but have ever lasting life in heaven.

John 3:16


"A little child will lead them."

Isaiah 11:6


Suffer the little children to come unto me!

Matthew 19:14


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Mary-kate & Ashley


Nick At Night



Two Of A Kind


Beanie Babies

Magic Schoolbus


Dr. Seuss

American Girls

Golden Books



Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

These are some of my favorite characters on TGIF. More likely my favorite.

I can't believe they're older than nine, they're about twelve.




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