The Panama Canal
The U.S. Military in Panama
End of an Era
U.S. Military Regional Activities
Panama The Country
Related Web sites and literature of interest.

Literature of interest--Documents/pamphlets:

The Panama Canal Treaty of 1977, The Department of State Selected Documents No. 6A, September 1977, State Department Bureau of Public Affairs, Office of Media Service.

Documents Associated with the Panama Canal Treaties (including Agreements in Implementation of Articles III and IV of the Panama Canal Treaty). The Department of State Selected Documents No. 6B, September 1977, State Department Bureau of Public Affairs, Office of Media Service.

The Meaning of the New Panama Canal Treaties, September 1977, The Department of State Selected Documents No. 6C, September 1977, State Department Bureau of Public Affairs, Office of Media Service.

World War I Fortifications of the Panama Canal, by Hugh H. Gardner and Norman Carpenter, Historical Branch, U.S. Army Forces Southern Command, 1 April 1965, reprinted in November 1977 as 193d Infantry Brigade (Canal Zone) Pamphlet 870-1.

An American Legacy in Panama: A Brief History of the Department of Defense Installations and Properties in the Former Panama Canal Zone, editor - Richard Houle, U.S. Army South Directorate of Engineering and Housing, prepared for U.S. Army South By Graves+Klein, Architects-Engineers, Pensacola, Florida, as part of the Department of Defense's Legacy Resource Management Program.

Panama Canal Transition: The Final Implementation, by Charles A Gillespie, Jr.; David E. McGiffert; Brandon Grove, Jr.; and C. Richard Nelson; Policy paper published by the Atlantic Council of the United States, July 1999.

Literature of interest--Books:

Jules DuBois, Danger Over Panama, Bobb-Merrills Company, 1964. (Excellent account of United States and Panamanian relations from the beginning of the century through the riots of 1964.)

Mark Falcoff, Panama's Canal: What Happens When the United States Gives a Small Country What it Wants, American Enterprise Institute (Washington, D.C.), May 1998.

David McCullough, The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal -- 1870-1914, Simon and Schuster, 1977.

William J. Jorden (U.S. ambassador to Panama 1974-78), Panama Odyssey, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1984. (This book provides detailed insight into the treaty negotiations and United States-Panamanian relations since the 1960s.)

WHO's Note: New sites and titles will be added periodically, particularly as new sections are added to this home page.

William H. Ormsbee

December 1999