"Beauty and the Beast"
(c) Hayden Lambson
Used with Permission
Be sure and visit his website for a gallery of his beautiful paintings.
Ancient Native Americans believed that all animals had
lessons to teach and had healing or inspirational power. When they held or
carried a certain fetish, or meditated on it's meaning, they believed they
drew the special energy of the animal into themselves. |
Birth dates: May 21 - June 20
Birth Totem is: Deer
Clan of: Butterfly (Air Chief)
Wind is: East
Directional Totem: Eagle
The Deer is my birth Totem. The ancients believed
that your birth totem animal spirit would follow you all through life as a
guardian, comforter and advisor. When you follow the guidance of your
animal spirits, you may even share their qualities.
Your birth totem works with other animal
spirits to assist in your growth and well being.
It has been said of the deer; |
Gentleness in word, thought and touch
Ability to listen
Grace and appreciation for the beauty of balance
Understanding of what's necessary for survival
Power of gratitude and giving
Ability to sacrifice for the higher good
Alternative paths to a goal
Deer teaches us the power of gentleness, keen
observation and sensitivity. Deer's are in tune with nature and all it holds.
They are sacred carriers of peace and show those with this totem how to open
their hearts and love unconditionally.
Their senses are acute and they see extremely well in low light, giving them the
ability to understand the deeper symbolic meanings of things. They can hear a
twig snap in the far distance. Anyone who has deer as a totem has hidden
clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities. They can see between the shadows, detect
subtle movements and hear what is not being said. Call on deer to help you
develop these gifts.
Deer protects their newborn from subtle outside influences. Fawns are born a
color that protects and hides them from a predators sight. For the first few
days of life they hardly move. Once the fawns energy field is strong and
grounded they stand and begin to follow their mother around.
Watching the deer and her young is a reminder to honor the child like innocence
within your self and move with gentleness and an open heart. It also suggests
that you stand strong on your path and not allow yourself to get distracted by
outside influences.When one who has Deer as their Birth Totem can learn
to calm her restless nature, learns to quiet her frantically beating heart, she
may begin the process of formulating her thoughts, untangling them from the
massive ball of jangled threads into a garment of Higher Knowledge that can then
be passed along to Others.
By first addressing her own acceptance of herself, then embracing and bringing
together friends, associates and new acquaintances who are friends not yet
known, into a common ground of shared goals, she will ultimately learn mastery
over her restless mind, and thus truly begin the process of integrating her Mind
with her Emotional Center.
Midi "Meditation
for a Quiet Evening" is
used with permission
and is copyright © 2000