Two Worlds   One Belief
(in Cherokee)
o-gi-do-da ga-lv-la-di-he-hi
Our Father, heaven dweller,

ga-lv-quo-di-yu ge-se-s-di de-tsa-do-v-i
My loving will be (to) Thy name.

tsa-gv-wi-yu-hi ge-sv wi-ga-na-nu-go-i
Your Lordship let it make its appearance.

a-ni-e-lo-hi wi-tsi-ga-li-s-da ha-da-nv-te-s-gv-i
Here upon earth let happen what you think,

na-s-gi-ya ga-lv-la-di tsi-ni-ga-li-s-di-ha
The same as in heaven is done.

ni-da-do-da-qui-sv o-ga-li-s-da-yv-di s-gi-v-si go-hi-i-ga
Daily our food give to us this day.

di-ge-s-gi-v-si-quo-no de-s-gi-du-gv-i
Forgive us our debts,

na-s-gi-ya tsi-di-ga-yo-tsi-na-ho tso-tsi-du-gi
the same as we forgive our debtors,

a-le tla-s-di u-da-go-le-ye-di-yi ge-sv wi-di-s-gi-ya-ti-nv-s-ta-nv-gi
And do not temptation being lead us into,

s-gi-yu-da-le-s-ge-s-di-quo-s-gi-ni u-yo ge-sv-i
Deliver us from evil existing.

tsa-tse-li-ga-ye-no tsa-gv-wi-yu-hi ge-sv-i
For thine your Lordship is,

a-le tsa-li-ni-gi-di-yi ge-sv-i
And the power is,

a-le e-tsa-lv-quo-di-yu ge-sv ni-go-hi-lv-i
And the glory is forever.

e men

PSALM 121:1-2

ga-du-si wi-ti-ga-ga-ni si-na-tsi di-da-le-hv-ya-ga
a-qwa-ni-go-hi-ya-di-ya-mu nv-ne-la-nv-hi
a-gi--ya-de-li-ya-gi. na-ya-my du-wv-tlv-ne
ga-nu-la-di a-le e-wv-hi
de-wi di-ka-no-dv

 "If anyone who knows the syllabary sees a mistake, please e-mail me.
There are a few symbols that are similar and I may have selected
the wrong one."

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, 

from whence cometh my help. My help 

cometh from the lord, which made 

heaven and earth.

The Gathering

Background by:

Midi "Fragments of my Soul" is
used with permission 
and is copyright © 2000

Bruce DeBoer