You Know You’re A WKRP Fan When......

10. You scour the web for anything related to WKRP

9. You start writing letters/emails to Nick at Night, telling them to dump I Love Lucy, and to put on WKRP in it’s place

8. You find yourself having dreams about the WKRP cast

7. You start pairing up the WKRP cast

6. You start writing fanfiction

5. You start writing a revival series of WKRP

4. You start dreaming about filming the revival series of WKRP you wrote

3. You find yourself spending extravegent amounts of money at auctions for pictures of the WKRP cast

2. You know you’d spend even more extravegent amounts of money for a WKRP tee-shirt or jacket

And the #1 Reason You Know You’re a WKRP Fan

1. You start naming your kids Arthur, Bailey, Jennifer, Johnny, Venus, Andy, and Herb
