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...such as the satanic notion that Christ has already returned! -- Blessings, Pastor Totten

The Second Coming and Rapture Site

With Antichrist probably about to be revealed ...the Church is still on earth.

Statement of Faith

- Pastor R. Totten

In a Nutshell : If the Bible addresses and teaches it, we believe it.

We believe
that the Bible (the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments) is God's only written revelation and inspired (God-breathed) Holy Scriptures. Every word of the original autographs is completely true, trustworthy and without error or falsehood in all matters it addresses, being the supreme and only authority as God's written Word. The Scriptures do not derive their authority from the Church, or tradition, or any other human source. Through the Bible, the Holy Spirit produces faith, and guides the Church in all matters of doctrine (teaching) and behavior. Scripture is to be interpreted like normal speech, by grammatico-historical exegesis ("When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense") , and Scripture is to be interpreted by other Scripture. -----We deny that inerrancy is negated by Biblical phenomena like: the reporting of falsehoods, observational descriptions of nature, the lack of techno-scientifically precise modern language, the use of hyperbole and round numbers, or the use of paraphrased citations.
We agree with "The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy," and recommend it to you.

We believe
that there is only one true and living God, the God of the Bible, who is spirit, and is absolutely perfect and holy, and hates sin. He is eternally self-existent, and is uncaused by anything else. God is one indivisible being, eternally existing in three distinct "persons": Father, Son and Holy Spirit ...each of whom possesses equally all the attributes of deity and the characteristics of personality. God is all-knowing, almighty, omnipresent, and absolutely sovereign over all things and every single event of history, and he is the Creator of all things.

We believe
that Jesus Christ (of Nazareth) is fully God, and also fully man, with those two distinct natures united in one person. In Jesus, the eternal Son of God was incarnate into a man, ...being conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of a virgin. Jesus Christ was tempted in every way, yet was without sin. He voluntarily shed his blood, and died on the cross to pay for our sins ...the "just One" dieing for the unjust, making it possible for man to be saved. He was buried, and on the third day was raised bodily from the dead, and he ascended into heaven to the throne of God. He is now our Intercessor and Advocate, and the only true Mediator between God and man.

4. MAN
We believe
that God made the first man (Adam & Eve) from the dust of the ground, and not through any evolutionary process of descent from any animals. Man was made in God's image (both male and female), so that humans are personal beings, and also morally responsible. Because of one man's (Adam's) fall into sin, all of mankind (as yet unborn) fell away from God, and became guilty and condemned under God's wrath. Ever since the fall, all the children of men are born with a sin-nature that effects every facet of their being, and they are estranged from God. In this depraved condition, all humans are unable remedy the situation; all have sinned and are in need of salvation. Sin is anything that does not conform to the holy character or righteous commands of God, as described in the Bible.

We believe
that salvation is an act of God whereby man is brought into a right relationship with God, and is rescued from God's wrath against sin. Salvation is accomplished by the grace (undeserved favor) of God when he gives a person faith (trust) in Jesus Christ and his shed blood and death on the cross, which provides the only satisfactory sacrifice to pay for our sins. God gives a saved person faith in Christ's bodily resurrection, which powerfully shows that he is the Son of God. People are justified (cleared of guilt) by God's undeserved grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, and not because anyone does anything righteous or good. God's sovereign choices to save people are unconditional, without any foresight of faith or good works done by them. However, those who are being saved must live holy and changed lives, and should grow in sanctification and obedience to God's Word ...we must be born again to a new life in Christ.

We believe
that the Church is all regenerate (born again) believers, wherever they may be found. They are worshiping, witnessing Christians who profess faith in Christ and submit to his authority. The mission of the Church is primarily the evangilization of the lost through witness to the gospel by life and by word; and secondarily, to be salt and light to the world as we seek to alleviate the burdens and injustices of a suffering world. Scripture requires the defense of sound doctrine, the practice of church discipline, and a call for spiritual renewal. We distance ourselves from any movement that seeks to establish a world church on the premise of a religious pluralism that denies normative biblical doctrines; Rather, we encourage true believers and faithful churches to move toward true biblical unity and fellowship with one another in the name of Christ, the Lord of the Church.

We believe
that Jesus Christ will return bodily to the earth in power and glory, to bring full and eternal salvation to his people, to judge the world, to vindicate God's holiness and to subjugate all evil. Believers will be raised and glorified, and live with God forever, ...while all those unbelievers who persistently reject Jesus Christ in the present life, shall be raised from the dead to face judgment, and throughout eternity they will be separated from God, and will be punished in a state of conscious, endless torment and anguish. These final destinations should accelerate our witness and mission in the world. Our ulitmate and blessed hope is in Christ, who will usher in God's final victory forever.

(For Bible references, click below, ...especially on "A.C.E.", and then "1689 London Baptist Confession".)

Links to Other Good Doctrinal Statements :

- from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, (A.C.E.).
- from Gospel Outreach Ministries.:
- from Tyndale Theological Seminary's Statement.:


Link to Our "Sister-Site" on the topic of:
The Second Coming of Christ and the Rapture

Comments: Contact the editor, R. Totten, at: . . . (except take out the "NIXPAM")

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