Crossbones 748

Cobra 25 Mods:
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Swap R76 for a 1000 ohm
Swap R43 for a 2.7 ohm
Swap R108 for a 0.47 ohm
Swap the final for a 2SC1969
Swap D10 for -2- 1N5817 (place one in the holes for D10 and the other
  on the back of the board)
swap C91 for a 33uF 25 volt electrolytic capacitor
Set VR5 wide open then adjust L10, L9, and L8 for maximum swing
Then adjust VR5 for 100% to 110% modulation.
Now you'll have to reduce the carrier power for the amp.
Remove JP6 (near the final), and replace with a 220uF (or larger)
25 volt electrolytic (negative side nearest the final).
On the back of the board, place a 68 ohm 1 watt resistor across the
 capacitor you just installed. You may have to try different values for
 the desired dead-key (between 50 and 100 ohms, higher values give a
 lower dead-key).

Please read my disclaimer before performing ANY modifications on any radio.