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SPENCER: Things like this aren't supposed to happen here.
MULDER: 42 year old real estate agent murders 4 strangers with his bare hands. That's not supposed to happen anywhere.

MULDER: (reading his field report) There have been reported abductee paranoia in UFO mass abduction cases.
SCULLY:I was wondering when you'd get to that.
MULDER: I find no evidence of this to be the case.

LARRY WINTER: Agent Mulder? Larry Winter, county supervisor.
MULDER: (extends a gloved hand) Pardon my rubber.

BYERS: In our April edition of The Lone Gunman we ran an article on the CIA's new CCD-TH 2138 fiber-optic lens micro video camera.
LANGLY: Small enough to be placed on the back of a fly.
MULDER: Imagine being one of those flies on the wall of the Oval Office...
FROHIKE: Been there... Done that...
BYERS: That is an Eurasian Cluster Fly. They infest vegetation like, uh, apples or cherries and can inflict a great deal of damage to crops.
LANGLY: This one's probably been irradiated to control propagation.
BYERS: Or, agents of competing South American agricultural corporations posing as Franklin City employees are releasing fertile flies to destroy the crop.
FROHIKE: Nope. This bug's been nuked.
MULDER: It was a fine effort, though. Have you ever come across this chemical compound?
LANGLY: LSDM. Obviously you haven't read our August edition of TLG?
MULDER: Oh, I'm sorry, boys. It arrived the same day as my subscription to Celebrity Skin.

FROHIKE: So, Mulder? Where's your little partner?
MULDER: She wouldn't come... She's afraid of her love for you.
FROHIKE: She's tasty.
MULDER: You know, Frohike, it's men like you that give perversion a bad name...

MULDER: Hey Frohike. Can I borrow those [binoculars]?
FROHIKE: If I can have Scully's phone number.

SUPERVISOR: You have a penchant for "SPOOKY" evidence.
MULDER: Don't start that tired crap. Don't start diverting blame.

MULDER: He's probably one of those people that thinks Elvis is dead.
SCULLY: Mulder, I was wrong. Exposure to the insecticide does induce paranoia."
MULDER: I think this area is being subjected to a controlled experiment.
SCULLY: Controlled by who? By the government, by a corporation, by Reticulans?

MULDER: Scully, are you familiar with subliminal messages?
SCULLY: You mean like sex in ice cubes in liquor ads? That's paranoia.

MULDER: Fear. It's the oldest tool of power. If you're distracted by fear of those around you, it keeps you from seeing the actions of those above.

SCULLY: (examining a broken doorbell) This is odd.
MULDER: Frustrated Jehovah's Witness?

Message on Mulder's cellular phone: ALL DONE | BYE BYE

Many thanks to Tiny Dancer's X-Files Transcripts and The X-Files Scripts Archive

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