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SAMANTHA: I know how to kill him.
SAMANTHA: "By piercing the base of the skull.
MULDER: That would kill anybody.

Mr. X: You wanted to see me?
MULDER: How was the opera?
Mr. X: Wonderful. I've never slept better. I don't like these hasty public meetings, Agent Mulder.
MULDER: I'm sorry. I need your help.
Mr. X: It's over. The fat lady is singing.

Mr. X: The key to winning the war, Mr. Mulder, is knowing which battles to fight.

SCULLY: Thanks for ditching me.

SCULLY: Did you find what you were looking for?
MULDER: No... no. But I found something I'd thought I'd lost. Faith to keep looking.

Many thanks to Tiny Dancer's X-Files Transcripts and The X-Files Scripts Archive

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