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A scientist's experiment takes a wrong turn and gives his shadow the power to kill.

RYAN: Can I ask what you think may have happened?
MULDER: At first blush? Spontaneous human combustion.
SCULLY: (to AGENT RYAN) You're doing just fine. (to MULDER) Having a little fun?
MULDER: What are you talking about?
SCULLY: Spontaneous human combustion?
MULDER: I have over a dozen case files of human bodies reduced to ash without any attendant burning or melting. Rapid oxidation without heat.
SCULLY: Let's just forget for the moment that there's no scientific theory to support it.
MULDER: (flippantly) OK.

MULDER: Check this out. My newest tool in the fight against crime - $49.95 at your local hardware store.
(He produces a red flashlight from his pocket and shines a red light on the fixture, which shows the outline of some fingerprints.)
SCULLY: Neat trick. For your birthday, I'll buy you a utility belt.

MULDER: Yeah but half of Richmond earns their paycheck making cancer sticks.

SCULLY: ...Nonsensical repetitive behavior is a common trait of mental illness.
MULDER: You trying to tell me something?

MR. X: Dead men can't keep promises. The next time the blood and regret might be yours.

MULDER: Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you, Scully.

Many thanks to Tiny Dancer's X-Files Transcripts and The X-Files Scripts Archive

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