This is a special corner
where you will find some "pics"
about the story of my life...  Enjoy!

Well... let's see...
I grew up living in the city
with my parents and my brother and sister
(I'm the smallest one, in age and in size *S*).
Went to the best schools in town
(which I hated a lot!!!),
then attended college and made a BBA
in Office Administration.

My childhood wasn't that interesting,
but my teenage years were great:):)
My God, I really caused lots of troubles
together with my cousin Marilyn!
We never stopped laughing and teasing!!

Anyway, at age 20 I decided to buy a computer,
(you know, to make college work)
and that's when I met my husband Edwin.
Boy, that computer cost me a lot...
(*S* - just kidding sweetheart!)

What happened next?

Well, we didn't wanted to wait any longer,
so a couple of months later we got married.
And, then...  the cutest little "twister" I've ever seen
came and changed our lives forever.
(I Love You, Leni!)

Today, I still live in the city
in a nice "cozy" apartment
(which we will be selling very soon),
work with taxes at a CPA firm,
and I'm sending my son to one of the
best schools in town!
(Ironic, ha?)

Well, that's all for now...
Come back again soon for
another "chapter" of my life!


Thanks to: