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I had so many things to worry about and finding out that we would get help from Terri's Fanny Mae fund was a blessing.  It is a debt that I will be more than happy to repay over time because I want other people to benefit from this fund as we did.  

Dr. Tobias phoned us Tuesday afternoon and told us Madison did not have the shunt which was operable.  I lost it and was devastated.   She was so caring and explained to us what the options were at that point.  Late Wednesday afternoon she did the liver biopsy along with spaying and removing 2 of her baby teeth.   They removed the breathing tube in recovery and later that evening Madison's blood level dropped.   They monitored her every hour and when they could not get her levels to come up they put Madison in Intensive Care and on dextrose sp??   The last time I talked to the hospital was about 3:00 am and her levels were much better.  Dr. Tobias had left instructions as to what to do if her levels fell below a certain number and she was not surprised by the levels dropping. 

Madison's liver is abnormally small and a yellowish color.  The biopsy results should tell Dr. Tobias what is going on with her liver.  Dr. Tobias's student relayed to us how they couldn't find Madison on the operating table because she was so tiny.  Madison did very well on the ride home her little ears looked like a "donkeys" they were so layed back for about an hour.  I guess when she decided we were not going to leave her she relaxed.  She has eaten a little and is sleeping.  I will get a picture of her incision and post I just don't want to stress her more now.

 I have several pictures of Dr. Tobias with Madison and although her eyes were closed  I still wanted to share them with you.  This was Tuesday and the day we left Madison with Dr. Tobias and Erica

I had my piece of paper with the list of names everyone wanted me to say hello for and she knew all of you.  And, on her coat was the yorkie pin.

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Thank you everyone for your prayers, thoughts and most of all for being my support group and friend. 
