Welcome to one of the first Shiuchon and Lopmon shrines. Click the words on the bottom to navigate. And don't forget to sign my guestbook. ^^

|Updates 6.30.o2|
I got a new affiliate, Forever Henry Its a new site to Jenrya, Shiuchon's older *tamer* brother, go check it out.

|Updates 6.26.o2|
Hi, I joined 2 webrings and don't forget to take my polls, I really want your opinions on those topics. Also, about affiliates and stuffs. I got a new affiliate, Sunblossoms and Sugar and Spice is now one of my sister sites.

|Updates 6.25.o2|
Hi, back again, no updates really, I just added some polls. I would like your opinions on those two topics. Go to the ecetera page and find it, or just click here. Polls

|Updates 6.24.o2|
No big info update, but I did make some more link me banner and button and I made some images for you, the visitors. check them out. And I joined a webring. The link to it is on the index page. And I created a small section in the other section called About the Webmistress, it has some little facts. Next hit picture at 3000. Or somewhere after that.New wallpaper.

I also received an award from Got Cute

|Updates 6.21.o2|
No big update. Just wanted you to check out my sister site, adorable. Its a really cool shrine to Shiuchon, if you can't find the info here, check out her site.

|Updates 6.11.o2|
New layout, called Goodbye is not forever. Sadly, season 03 in Canada and the United States has ended and season 04 (will be shown on ABC family, and has already begun in Japan) will not be a continuation. This site will remain open, but there won't be much more information to add. I may come to talk here sometimes if I add more pictures or fan art or a fan fic (currently I have none) or get a new affiliate. Once and a while I will come and change the layout. Thank-you for your support.

|Updates 6.1o.o2|
Sadly, I missed the last two episodes of Digimon Tamers because where I live, they decided to show baseball instead of the *Season Finale* of Digimon. *sniffles* If anyone knows a place where I can download it, could you e-mail me? Thanx. Also, for updates, I edited the links, so now they have the quality layouts and links that work and their sites are oftenly updated. Also, thanks for 2400+ hits. Click |Here| to see it.

I don't own digimon in anyway. This is just a fan site for Susie and Lopmon of digimon Tamers. You may use anything on the site as long as you link to me. *Just don't take the fan art.*
© 2002 to Bunny

Questions?? or Comments??
You may e-mail me at pigs_fly_forever_2000@yahoo.com