

Action figures are easily one of the most popular of Star Wars collectibles. They a hoarded by collectors, and enjoyed by kids. No episode 1 collection is complete without this action figure.
Decipher inc. has created their second Star Wars customizeable card gaame. The young Jedi CCG, based on episode 1, is sure to be filled with plenty of young Obi-wan collectibles to come.
Lays and doritos have put together a collection of collectors cards available in several countries. Included in the set of twelve is Young Obi-wan. Most of the other main charcters have been so honored. (version, from left to right: United States, Canada, and Australia)
The episode 1 novelization is currently only available in hardcover, but is still selling fast. It is available in fout different covers: Queen Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, Darth Maul, and Obi-wan Kenobi.