Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 13:17:10 -0400
To: Matthew Gaylor <>
From: Matthew Gaylor <>
Subject: US Anti-Leak Proposal Fizzles
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

SECRECY NEWS from the FAS Project on Government Secrecy September 6, 2001




The widely criticized effort to enact a criminal statute prohibiting the unauthorized disclosure of classified information ended with a whimper Tuesday evening when a hearing on the matter was canceled and the measure was withdrawn from consideration in the FY 2002 Intelligence Authorization Act.

A spokesman for Senator Richard Shelby, the leading proponent of the measure, issued a terse statement:

At the request of Attorney General John Ashcroft, the Intelligence Committee has postponed Wednesday's hearing to study the leaking of classified information. The Justice Department has requested additional time to study this issue.

It was a delicate way of conceding that the Justice Department opposes the pending legislation as currently drafted.

This is a remarkable development since the very same anti-leak measure was endorsed by the Justice Department last year (and supported as part of the FY 2001 Intelligence Authorization Act by then-Senator John Ashcroft). A Justice Department spokesman declined to explain the reversal or to elaborate on the Department's current assessment of the matter, which will be the subject of an interagency review over the coming months.

Senator Shelby would not admit defeat. "This bill is going to be back in the hopper, if not by me then by others," he told the Associated Press. "This is not a this-year legislation, necessarily. It's long-term legislation. This legislation is not going away, because the problem [of leaks] is going to get worse, not better."

Separately, the Senate is moving this week to adopt another anti-leak statute as part of the Export Administration Act of 2001 (S.149, Section 602d). Unauthorized disclosure of certain information on export applications, licenses and related data would be punishable by a fine of up to $50,000 and up to a year in jail. See:



The first "tranche" of declassified historical records from the Office of the Director of Central Intelligence is in the process of being released, according to a report published today by the CIA's Historical Review Panel (HRP).

The new report is singularly uninformative, by design. "Because the HRP's advice to the DCI must be completely frank and candid, we are not reporting Panel recommendations."

This is a polite falsehood that does the distinguished Panel members no credit. It is clear from previous disclosures of Panel recommendations and from the work of similar advisory bodies that confidentiality is not required to ensure the Panel's candor. Rather, the only purpose of the report's deliberate vagueness is to shield the Director of Central Intelligence from public criticism and controversy.

See the Panel report here:

Secrecy News is written by Steven Aftergood and published by the Federation of American Scientists.

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