Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 19:28:11 -0400
To: Matthew Gaylor <>
From: Matthew Gaylor <>
Subject: [SF] Re: San Diego Red Light Camera Pictures Ruled Inadmissible
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From: "Carl Page" <> To: "Matthew Gaylor" <> Subject: Re: San Diego Red Light Camera Pictures Ruled Inadmissible Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 12:21:28 -0700

The very popular red light cams we have here in SF take very handsome detailed pix of the driver and the plate together. Dead to rights is right. About 10 fewer pedestrians have been murdered by car drivers so far this year, by my recollection.

Automatic (Camera) Enforcement of Red Lights -- If you're going to run a red light (or try a California stop), be careful where you do it. In an effort to reduce the number of accidents caused by red light runners, the State Legislature approved the the use of "automated enforcement" devices (i.e., cameras) and a $271 fine. The pilot program proved successful, so the red-light cameras are here to stay. Visit the DPT's website for more information.

Currently installed cameras: 5th & Howard streets 7th & Mission streets 9th & Howard streets 19th Ave. & Sloat Blvd. Pine St. & Presidio Blvd.


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