Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 19:30:55 -0400
To: Matthew Gaylor <>
From: Matthew Gaylor <>
Subject: Re: Death by cop Colorado police shoot civilians - lots of them
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Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 12:31:19 -0700 To: Matthew Gaylor <> From: James Bradley <> Subject: Re: Death by cop Colorado police shoot civilians - lots of them Cc: (,, spiker <>


This Boulder Weekly piece you linked is the poorest written editorial I can remember. It purports to be about one thing--the execution of people by Colorado police and justification of same--but it wanders all over the place, espousing rambling, heresay supported opinions on a variety of topics only tangentially related.

Most offensive is the poorly considered note about our country "tolerating" the convicting of innocent people by the justice system.

It is not possible to design a justice system that never convicts and incarcerates innocent people, unless you never incarcerate anyone. If you state it as your primary criteria that your justice system must never incarcerate an innocent person, period, then all you can do is let everyone go free. It is an inevitable consequence of locking people up that innocent people will sometimes get locked up. The idea, of course, is to minimize the frequency of this occurrence. This notion is one of the cornerstones of our system of justice. We are much more likely to let a guilty person go free, by virtue of a reasonable doubt, than we are to incarcerate an innocent person. So do we "tolerate" it? Yes, and it is necessary that we do, it is not wrong that we do, as the tone of this piece implies.

The fact that it is possible to convict an innocent person is, of course, one of the arguments against the death penalty.


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