Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 18:24:15 -0400
To: Matthew Gaylor <>
From: Matthew Gaylor <>
Subject: Comments On L. Neil Smith On Morning of Horror 9-11-01
Cc: "L. Neil Smith" <>,
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

[Note from Matthew Gaylor: Below are a few responses that I received after I sent Neil's thoughts on this mornings attacks to my world wide mailing list, Freematt's Alerts (Multiple thousands of subscribers).]

Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 12:32:10 -0400 (EDT) From: Charles Platt <> To: Matthew Gaylor <> Cc: <> Subject: Re: L. Neil Smith On Morning of Horror 9-11-01

Got to love Neil. After spreading maximum panic and hysteria, he plugs his own book.

Of course there will be a federal response to this act, but the response may be far more unpleasant for citizens of some foreign nation than for citizens of the USA. Of course Neil is only concerned about the USA.

After Pearl Harbor, more than 100,000 Japanese-born Americans were disenfranchised and put in camps, while Japan itself was eventually subjected to atomic warfare. Nothing happened to the Bill of Rights (so long as you were not Japanese-born). I would expect a comparable response.

Domestically, I would expect armed security agents on all flights into and out of the USA (the obvious security measure which the Israelis took years ago with great success, and which might have cost less than all those stupid x-ray machines at airports).

Most of all, though, I expect punitive measures against someone or something or some nation that is antagonistic to the United States.

As for the Neil Smith list of future domestic nightmare policies: I don't expect any of them.

Feel free to circulate my msg if you wish. Just to elaborate:

Would you feel more shit-scared right now if you were sitting in Washington DC, or sitting in Palestine/Iraq/Iran? The US Government will not retaliate primarily against its own citizens, but against other, "expendable" people in other, "anatagonistic" nations.


[Note from Matthew Gaylor: Charles Platt is senior writer for WIRED Magazine.]


X-Sender: Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:45:14 -0700 To: Matthew Gaylor <> From: David Theroux <> Subject: Re: L. Neil Smith On Morning of Horror 9-11-01

Dear Matt,

Excellent post by Neil.


[Note from Matthew Gaylor: David Theroux is President and Founder of the The Independent Institute, the non-politicized, public policy research organization <> ]


From: Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 13:21:53 EDT Subject: Re: L. Neil Smith On Morning of Horror 9-11-01 To: <>

>First of all, expect never to learn the truth about what happened
at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and elsewhere this morning of September 11, 2001, any more than we did with regard to the murders of Jack and Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, at Ruby Ridge, Waco, or Oklahoma City.

Well, the Lusitania facts came out.... 50 years later.

[Note from Matthew Gaylor: Bill Walker is a scientist in Texas.]


Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 10:24:41 -0700 From: Eric <> Subject: Re: L. Neil Smith On Morning of Horror 9-11-01 To: Matthew Gaylor <>

Oh, come on Matt-

This is completely inappropriate hysterical hogwash.

[Note from Matthew Gaylor: Eric is the owner of one of the more successful company that produces adult erotica in California]

### Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 10:59:56 -0700 From: WADSC <> To: Matthew Gaylor <> Subject: Re: L. Neil Smith On Morning of Horror 9-11-01

There is probably a lot of inditable paperwork floating around that came from these buildings as well as ele. media, floppies, hard drives etc. This will in my opinion make this area a high security area for some time to come. G.P.


From: "Carl Page" <> To: "Matthew Gaylor" <> Subject: Re: L. Neil Smith On Morning of Horror 9-11-01 Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:27:53 -0700 X-Priority: 3

I can't believe you would forward such an inane piece of crap. (arl


Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 14:35:32 -0400 From: Carl William Spitzer IV <> Subject: L. Neil Smith On Morning of Horror 9-11-01 Sender: Carl William Spitzer IV <> To: Matthew Gaylor <>

I would remind you that extremism in the defence of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue! -- Barry Goldwater US politician. Speech, San Francisco, 17 July 1964


From: Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 16:54:43 EDT Subject: Re: L. Neil Smith On Morning of Horror 9-11-01 To:

In a message dated 2001-09-11 11:41:03 EST, writes:

> Only one civilian plane is in the air this morning, Air
> Force One; that's as grim a warning of things to come as I can think
> of.
AF 1 is NOT a civilian plane, as the name indicates.

Nils Andersson


From: "R.Anthony Steele" <> Subject: Re: L. Neil Smith On Morning of Horror 9-11-01 Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 16:22:32 -0500

I don't know. I'm listening to a former Admiral on KLBJ-AM right now that is saying we have to give up our privacy (continuous phone monitoring, etc.) for the safety of the nation.

Seems pretty threatening to me.

As if phone conversations couldn't be encrypted. As if us giving up our freedom will repair the damage we witnessed today. These people must be resisted.


"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein


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