Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 01:50:59 -0400
To: Matthew Gaylor <>
From: Matthew Gaylor <>
Subject: Comments Re: Now we know the relative "value" of Bush's missile
 defense shield
Cc: Jim Warren <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

From: "dale hayes" <> To: "Matthew Gaylor" <> Subject: Re: Now we know the relative "value" of Bush's missile defense shield Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 18:17:10 -0500

After giving some consideration time to Jim Warren's remarks I would like to point out that there are several of those countries that thoroughly and dedicatedly hate the U. S., and that given the development time and the -now relatively easily acquired technology - will joyously toast the same city we saw damaged badly yesterday. For those who hate America, the 11th was a day of rejoicing. For those who love and respect the "0ld Gal" it was a day that confirmed the enemies will stay their course and that vigilance and determination, plus a lasting commitment, are the only ways there is any hope that those enemies may be met and destroyed. Though Mr. Martin does not like the "...giga buck missile..." undertaking, the threat is real and the system is needed.

Little has been said as to the rationale(s) concerning the intelligence community's "missing" this one. Let me suggest that the past eight year's minimization of the intelligence efforts of the U. S. by the previous administration and its glaring lack of investment in, and valuing of, the U. S. military certainly has contributed to that "missing". As an American, living and working out of country, I weep for my country and rage at the misbegotten filth who demean their God by their actions and who have demonstrated effectively the lowest levels of depravity human kind can express.

(Dr.) Dale Hayes

### To: Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 11:23:52 -0400 Subject: Re: Now we know the relative "value" of Bush's missile defense shield X-Juno-Line-Breaks: 8-6,7,10,19,25,31,36,42,44,46-92,95-102,105,106-32767 From: "Roy D. Pittman" <>

Dear Sir: Here is my repose to the less than intelligent cracks about a missile defense system being useless in stopping this type of guerrilla attacks.

You totally failed to relate to some other facts. Such as the FBI, CIA, KGB, International Intelligence Networks, Interpol, our billion+ dollar spy satellite systems, the intrusive face recognition and surveillance cameras, the track everyone everywhere supper computers, DEA, Coast Guard, CID, BATF, military intelligence, the almost news media, Department of Immigration, the under trained minimum wage (almost English speaking) semi-security airport personnel, and no other government effort seemed to have much in site into discovering or stopping this tragedy. Why haven't you trashed them, too?

Why pick on a missile defense program that was not even remotely intended to address this sort of action? Is it because President Bush is has pushed to get it established? Could it be because the military doesn't make all of their plans and research information public just to convince you? Is it politics, attitude, or lack of positive thoughts that drives this sort of comment from you?

The airlines and government will come up with a much stronger way to address plane high jackings. But you better get a grip on reality. The US has a lot of nasty groups ticked off at us in major ways. The half hearted security at major dams and nuclear power plants will likely make them serious contenders as prime targets in the next round of low blows.

President Clinton just got a big page added to his"Legacy" in my opinion. All of his "cover- up bombings" and his personal low life activities helped to advanced the support for this type of retaliatory behavior. Many foreign factions have come to feel the US lies, betrays, and conducts actions abroad with out respect and with extreme malice.

WE need to flush about two-thirds of the goofy treaties we have given an insane nod to, triple our effort to deport all illegal aliens and control our sovereign borders, give new strength to enforcement of Constitutional requirements and restrictions on government, and refrain from support of the UN as its overall goals are un-American and totally socialism in practice.

With Sincere Respect, Roy Pittman. [President, Pennsylvania Gun Owners Association]


Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 00:17:49 -0700 (PDT) From: Ragnar Danneskjold <> Subject: Re: Now we know the relative "value" of Bush's missile defense shield To: Matthew Gaylor <>

Oh, gosh, I guess we'd better move back into our caves and wear bear skin suits. Better not use that fire thing to cook our meat, either, someone could burn us with it. Hey - put down that rock you greedy materialist, you don't see us using those rock things to improve our lives, do you? Don't hit me with that rock, you materialist!!

Our greedy materialism can be used to kill us. Aw, shucks.

Seems to me if the passengers had been able to exercise their right to protect themselves which is supposedly guaranteed not to be infringed, there would have been some passengers who were smart enough to not give up their arms in order to board a plane.

Now is the time we need ALL our rights returned to us, not have them infringed upon even more. It is so obvious that we cannot rely on our hired guns to protect us all the time, we have to be responsible for our own protection.

And, while I am on a rant, it is also time for those who claim to represent us to stop interfering in the lives of those who do not live within the geographical borders where those same people claim a monopoly on the use of force. You can only kill so many people before there friends and families tend to get pissed about it.

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