Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 16:03:46 -0400
To: Matthew Gaylor <>
From: Matthew Gaylor <>
Subject: Les Earnest On WTC attack and missile defense
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[Note from Matthew Gaylor: Les Earnest is the retired chair of the Computer Science Dept. at Stanford and inventor of the spell checker among numerous accomplishments.]

Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 12:16:54 -0700 To: Matthew Gaylor <> From: Les Earnest <> Subject: Re: WTC attack and missile defense

Steve Turner wrote: >I have been puzzled by the recent hyperbole claiming uselessness
>of a missile defense system in light of the WTC attacks. Would
>these same folks claim that fireproofing is useless because it can't
>prevent floods, or that automobiles are useless because they can't
>cross the ocean? Reasonable people may oppose a missile
>defense system on the basis of moral, ideological, or monetary
>concerns. But to oppose such a system because it cannot protect
>us from every conceivable (and inconceivable) form of attack is

The main reason to oppose such a system is that the technology needed to do it doesn't exist and is not within sight in the long term. That has not deterred the politicians and military industry leaders in the past, of course. The French paid an enormous amount before World War 2 for the useless Maginot Line and the American taxpayers were bilked out of billions of dollars in the 1950s and '60s to pay for the deployment of the SAGE air defense system which also didn't work, though fortunately it was never tested.

SAGE was kept operational at great expense for many years even though the manned bomber threat essentially had been replaced by the ballistic missile threat before SAGE became fully operational. I have direct knowledge of its many fatal defects, having helped design it. I eventually got out of that project in order to preserve my self respect.

>On an unrelated note, following is a direct quote from Richard
>Gebhardt, House Minority Leader (approx. 21:30 EDT, national
>[ABC] news): "We will have to find a new balance between freedom
>and security."

Yes, that is the real threat. The terrorist burning of the Reichstag was small potatoes compared with the resulting eventual takeover of Germany by the Nazis.

-Les Earnest

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