Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 13:45:18 -0400
To: Matthew Gaylor <>
From: Matthew Gaylor <>
Subject: Dennis Walker on perceived safety that turns us into subjects
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[Note from Matthew Gaylor: I've known Dennis Walker for many years. Dennis serves on the central committee of the Republican Party of Franklin Co, Columbus, Ohio. Dennis was selected as The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Grass Roots Activist of the Year Award recipient for 2001. See: .]

To: Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 19:22:26 -0700 Subject: The Fourth Amendment From: "2nd. Amend" <>

Amendment IV.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Is America dead, or just dying a slow death in the aftermath of the heinous attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001? Is freedom to die a long, slow incremental death because people are scared? Or can the American people stand up to the ineffectual security measures being imposed on us?

Most of the new security imposed at airports are laughable at best. Having spoken with a security expert at the recent Gun Rights Policy Conference, he said the new security procedures were a joke. Others that flew said they really weren't searched. One attendee had to surrender his butane lighter but was allowed to take pens on with him.

There is increased security at federal buildings and the post office, which brings me to the crux of this missive. Last week I took a mailing over to the Main Post Office in Columbus, Ohio. It was an issue of the PROponent newsletter. In preparing the mailing, I made a mistake which was caught by the alert postal employees. The post office called on Thursday morning and said I had to come in and correct the mistakes. I said I would be in Monday as I was going out of town. They said ok.

When going over to the post office to get mailing trays, I had to tell a young uniformed security guard why I was going into the bulk mail area. No big problem. When the mail was taken over, the driver was asked for his driver's license. A bit intrusive, but bearable.

On Tuesday afternoon when I pulled up to the stop sign, a young woman said she had to check the trunk of my van. I tried to say I was only going in to correct my mailing. She walked around the back of my van and tried the doors. They were locked. She came back to the driver's window and told me she had to search the back of the vehicle. I asked why and she said security. I replied no thank you and left.

I called the lady at the post office and told her we had a problem in that I couldn't get into the post office. She asked why and I said they wanted to search my vehicle and I refused. She said something about security in a federal building. I replied that they had no search warrant and that they weren't going to search my vehicle. How was I to correct my mailing. She said I had to have my vehicle searched. I replied that was unacceptable.

For those of you who know me, I was calm, polite and respectful. She said she would have her supervisor call me about the problem. I thanked her and hung up. About ten minutes later, her supervisor called and we went through the same conversation again. It ended up with her saying she would have the Postal Inspectors call me. I thanked her and hung up.

After another ten minutes, the supervisor called me back and said when I pulled up to the search point, I was to tell the security person to call her and she would come out and verify who I was. I again thanked her and hung up.

Tomorrow morning I will see what happens. And yes, the van will be sanitized.

If we allow ourselves to submit to incidents such as this, then the terrorists have won and America loses. The person wanting to search my vehicle had no police powers that I could see. She wore no firearm. Nor did she have probable cause or a warrant. Nor did she demand a full vehicle search which would have included looking under the vehicle with mirrors and looking under the hood. Nor was there a bomb sniffing dog available.

Yes, we had a terrible atrocity committed in New York City and Washington, D.C. on September 11th, but to succumb to any infringement of our Bill of Rights will allow the terrorists to win. They will have forced Americans to surrender precious freedoms in exchange for perceived safety. Perceived safety that does absolutely nothing to protect us from terrorists. Perceived safety that turns us into subjects.

Dennis Walker NATO Doctrine in defense of the Second Amendment <> Peoples Rights Organization is Ohio's most active grassroots group in the fields of Education, Legislation and Litigation.

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