Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 12:11:52 -0400
To: Matthew Gaylor <>
From: Matthew Gaylor <>
Subject: Re: Brazil Parliament Votes To Allow Air Passengers To Carry
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From: "Carlos Macedo Gomes" <> To: "Matthew Gaylor" <> Subject: Re: Brazil Parliament Votes To Allow Air Passengers To Carry Firearms? Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 11:44:03 -0400

Hi Matt,

I've read into the Jornal do Brasil site and others (O Globo [1] and Terra[2]) and don't see any mention of the new legislation. I'll check w/ family in Brazil but if you get further word and could spread the word that would be great.

thanks, C.G.

[1] [2]

-- Carlos Macedo Gomes _sic itur ad astra_

### Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 12:11:12 -0300 (Hora padrão leste da Am. Sul) From: "Daniel Fabio Jacob Nogueira LL.M." <> To: freematt@COIL.COM, CYBERIA-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Subject: Re: Brazil Parliament Votes To Allow Air Passengers To Carry Firearms? Organization: Jacob & Nogueira S/C

I haven't heard anything like that around here. I’ve searched JB and have found nothing to that respect. Furthermore, it seems a bit unBrazilian to take such a stance. Brazilian nationals do not have a Constitutional Right to bear arms ( not even for a well-regulated militia) and there has been a clear legislative movement towards restricting as much as possible the use / permission to use / purchase of firearms. Some time ago there was a bill introduced in the Brazilian Congress seeking to ban all civilian firearms, except for rural citizens’ rifles.

Even it the news was true, it would be the fastest ever action ever from Congress. The Brazilian Congress simply is not able to legislate that fast. The only way to introduce legislation with such urgency is by “Provisional Measures”, which is somewhat like an Executive Order. The President passes a Provisional Measure, which has the same efficacy of law during 60 days; during that period congress must confirm or deny the Measure. If confirmed, it is converted into law.


Daniel Fábio Jacob Nogueira, LL.M. Brazilian Attorney


X-Sender: gbroiles/ Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 08:27:03 -0700 To: Matthew Gaylor <> Subject: Re: Brazil Parliament Votes To Allow Air Passengers To Carry Firearms?

At 10:55 AM 9/17/2001 -0400, you wrote:

>It is being widely reported that the Brazilian parliament has voted
>234 for, 6 against to allow passengers on airplanes to carry
>firearms of .38 caliber or less. Details are said to be located at
><>. I've sent an info request to my Brazilian
>and Portuguese speaking subscribers to Freematt's Alerts for
>confirmation and additional newslinks.

I'm really skeptical about this - handguns are generally banned in Brazil, so it seems really unlikely that they'd suddenly be permitted aboard airlines - a policy change that radical and that fast seems too good to be true.

I searched on Yahoo's Brazilian news - see <> looking for "pistola" or "revolver" and couldn't find any mention of the change, though I did find some news stories about local shootings, and about how some US residents are buying guns because of the WTC attacks. (My mother-in-law is Brazilian, so I get some exposure to Portugese, but am far from fluent.)

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