Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 12:36:57 -0400
To: Matthew Gaylor <>
From: Matthew Gaylor <>
Subject: John Young On Electronic Hot Pursuit
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Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 08:31:17 -0700 From: John Young <jya@PIPELINE.COM> Subject: Re: Electronic hot pursuit

This concept is described in "Defensive Information Operations," put out by the Defense Science Board in March 2001:

In a nutshell (no pun) it involves reworking law governing electronic surveillance so that the gov (gov, mil and LE) can quickly get access to suspect communications, or simultaneously monitor them, without current delays of authorization. This would be not only for the US but for other countries too (by way of cybercrime treaty).

The report states that the military is hamstrung in implementing its national security resources domestically due to DoJ and FBI refusing to share criminal investigatory information and/or approving military operations to go where only domestic LE can legally go now. The agencies claim their hands are tied by current law restricting access by the military.

(Note Rumsfeld's comment yesterday that the terrorist attack is a law enforcement matter, not military, that the military is prohibited from domestic operations -- the overflights of warplanes being done under executive order.)

There is a section of the report, prepared by a panel headed by Stewart Baker, ex-NSA counsel, which describes the legal constraints that need to be loosened.

Other sections describe policy, legislation, technology and other needs to get defensive information operations up to speed.

Copious annexes, not on Cryptome, provide backup to DSB recommendations.

This is one of two volumes on "Protecting the Homeland." The other, of that very title:

These volumes are follow-ons to the first DSB report on this topic, "Information Warfare-Defense," from November 1996:

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