Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 12:40:22 -0400
To: Matthew Gaylor <>
From: Matthew Gaylor <>
Subject: HavenCo Sealand Remailer Online (
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 02:47:20 +0000 From: Ryan Lackey <> Old-Subject: [Announce] HavenCo Sealand Remailer Online (


Subject: [Announce] HavenCo Sealand Remailer Online ( Date: Sun Sep 16 07:02:13 UTC 2001

After over a year of having HavenCo's facilities on Sealand open for customers, I have decided to set up a remailer on a spare machine. In light of recent events in NYC and DC, and the near certainty of both future legal actions against individual liberty in the name of "security", and possible extra-legal/terrorist action against critical parts of the Internet infrastructure by various parties, it seems prudent to establish secure offshore services as soon as possible. Hopefully this remailer can be a small part of that.

I'd also be happy to host a private operational list (i.e. remops minus several specific people) for remailer operators, as Len suggested a while ago.

I plan to offer several interesting services from Sealand in the future: - a mail-to-news gateway (at least for interesting groups) - SSL web-to-remailer - nym services - possibly secure web-based email - possibly secure IMAP/POP3 over ssh/ssl - possibly "agents" which act on email messages, within certain sandbox environments (user-defined autoresponders, etc.) - secure mailing lists, archives of some security-based mailing lists (cypherpunks to the beginning, coderpunks, cryptography, remops, etc.) with full-text search

These services are in addition to HavenCo's high security managed colocation, consulting, and software development. More information is available at

My primary concern is limiting the usability of these services for HavenCo AUP violations; specifically spam and spam-mailbox. A per-message charge or decrement would likely accomplish this, along with either payment or proof-of-work.

My goal is to make all services for pay as soon as a suitable payment infrastructure is deployed. Donations to support the remailer may be made through account 191914 with "remailer" in the memo line.

Config for is: Celeron 533 256MB ECC RAM 2 x 30GB disk FreeBSD 4.4-STABLE Postfix snapshot-20010808

$remailer{"havenco"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp remix latent +hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post";

PGP Key:

Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID pub 1024R/A222FA27 2001/09/16 HavenCo Sealand Anonymous Remailer <>

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Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID pub 1024D/64A1975F 2001/09/16 HavenCo Sealand Anonymous Remailer <> sub 1024g/6B1E76FE 2001/09/16

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Mixmaster key:

havenco dcd835a6ecfc412ba8535949ff30be44 2.9beta23 CNm


- -- Ryan Lackey [RL7618 RL5931-RIPE] CTO and Co-founder, HavenCo Ltd.+44 7970 633 277 the free world just milliseconds away OpenPGP 4096: B8B8 3D95 F940 9760 C64B DE90 07AD BE07 D2E0 301F

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Comment: For info see


-- Ryan Lackey [RL7618 RL5931-RIPE] CTO and Co-founder, HavenCo Ltd.+44 7970 633 277 the free world just milliseconds away OpenPGP 4096: B8B8 3D95 F940 9760 C64B DE90 07AD BE07 D2E0 301F


Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 10:30:14 +0000 From: Ryan Lackey <> Old-Subject: Re: [havenco-discuss] Re: [Announce] HavenCo Sealand Remailer Online

I'm not sure if I buy that remailers are even going to have serious problems in the future. I see two approaches:

1) The aforementioned ecash-based system. We don't have a problem getting people to smuggle drugs, because people in the drug game get lots of money, women, cars, etc. I wonder how many drug dealers would do it just for "moral goodness" (actually, a lot of last-stage dealers do that, just buying for their friends and distributing, which obviously doesn't work for remailers; also, allegedly the LSD distribution chain is mostly profit-free for the whole general, though, drugs are a highly profitable industry).

2) A system which remails without the consent of the remailing; a worm or something which roams, infects, and as payload, will spontaneously form "cells" in a mix-net. Lots of ways to do this. Also, the mix-net itself can be used for passing the messages around. Using anonymous services like yahoo for this kind of thing is one form, but something which went a step beyond, and actually took over random machines on DSL, etc. to use as middleman remailers, would be taking this to another level. Additionally, I think a level of steganography is needed, both to protect the compromised nodes from detection and disinfection, and for general security.

I generally agree with your assessment of the current "amateur" remailer network, modulo the fact that a lot of remailer operators have legal background, and would be content to actually fight protracted legal battles. I guess a lot of them would fold fairly quickly if it were actually unequivocally exposing themselves to serious criminal liability.

I don't think we'll have to wait long for this kind of theorizing on anonymous communications and prosecution to no longer be merely academic.

-- Ryan Lackey [RL7618 RL5931-RIPE] CTO and Co-founder, HavenCo Ltd.+44 7970 633 277 the free world just milliseconds away OpenPGP 4096: B8B8 3D95 F940 9760 C64B DE90 07AD BE07 D2E0 301F

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