Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 19:05:03 -0400
To: Matthew Gaylor <>
From: Matthew Gaylor <>
Subject: Re: surprising call to guard civil liberties; review WHY it
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 18:16:47 -0400 To: Jim Warren <>, (Dave Farber), (Matthew Gaylor) From: Declan McCullagh <> Subject: Re: surprising call to guard civil liberties; review WHY it happened!

Jim, Your lefty bias is showing -- Barr's stand is hardly "unexpected." Barr has done quite a bit to protect privacy over the last half-decade, including being the most vocal critic of Echelon in the Congress. He even stood up for free speech ("crush videos") and got savaged for it. See:

That does not mean, of course, that Barr believes in freedom when it comes to sexual topics -- far from it -- but I suggest you remove your ideological blinkers.


At 12:44 PM 9/19/01 -0700, Jim Warren wrote: >>Bob Barr, conservative Georgia congressman, said:
>>"Before we begin dismantling constitutionally protected safeguards
>> and diminishing fundamental rights to privacy, we should first
>> examine why last week's attacks occurred."
>On the one hand, I APPLAUD his VERY unexpected stand.
>Vengeance begats nothing more than more vengeance.
>We desperately need to understand WHY so many people around the
>world HATE the USA with such a vengeance (it *ain't* just that we
>have money; it's what we have done to them -- and what we have
>aided/supported others to do to them!).
>We need to BREAK the cycle of vengeance -- if ANYONE is to have any
>peace and security. (It is now obviously in our own, selfish,
>SELF-centered best interest, to make sure that others have peace and
>security in THEIR homes and homelands, just as we used to have it.)
>On the other hand, I can't help but suspect that Barr's stand may be
>at least partly because he probably has VERY few Israeli supporters
>among his constituents ... but almost-certainly has a HEFTY herd of
>racist/anti-semitic constituents. <sigh> Politics as usual.

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