Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 14:32:44 -0400
To: Matthew Gaylor <>
From: Matthew Gaylor <>
Subject: American Antiprohibition League Statement on Terrorism
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Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 00:05:55 -0700 From: American Antiprohibition League <> Subject: Stop terrorism at home, end the drug war




Stop terrorism at home End the Drug War

Portland, Oregon -- To us the central question which emerges amid the sorrow, horror and anger over last week's terrorists attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon is "why?" What drives otherwise rational, intelligent people to commit mass-murder, including their own? Basic criminal investigations always ask, "who benefits?" What was the motive?

Of course there is no moral justification whatsoever for these deadly attacks against so many innocent people. And yet, while the singularity, symbolism and scale of the terror last week was historic; in terms of lives lost, families broken-up, all the social and economic disturbance that follows, it still does not match the long-term damage being done by our own government, to our own people and people far away. All in the name of this governments' "holy war" against drugs, or more accurately, against America's poor and minority populations.

Today we have over 2 million Americans in prisons, the majority (about 60 percent on average), are non-violent prisoners of (drug) war. As a nation we spend nearly $50 billion every year to fight illegal drugs. Yet today kids as young as 10 and 11 are found dealing on school-yards across the country. There is an abundance of supply which continues to flood our streets, the drugs are cheaper and more powerful than ever. Governments' enforcement of drug laws continues to become more aggressive and violent. Over the Labor Day weekend 2 long-time, non-violent marijuana activists in Michigan were gunned down by state and federal law enforcement. Orphaning a 5-year old child and traumatizing an entire community in the process.

This same Bush government now seeking to bomb Afghanistan - bin Laden's "host" country for the last several years - back into the stone-age is the same government which gave the ruling Taliban $43 million in April of this year, supposedly to eradicate opium poppy cultivation. In effect saying, "we don't care if you harbor terrorists, just as long as you tow our drug war line." Blind obsession is a common trait among all terrorists.

Now these same people, Bush, his Cabinet, the Congress who give us this failed drug war are proposing to engage America's full military might and personnel in a "war against terrorism." The very same people who can't even stop 10 percent of of illegal drugs and could not stop last week's attack, are now telling us we should prepare to sacrifice our sons and daughters fighting an "enemy" our intelligence people can't even find.

In the case of Osama bin Laden, a creature of our own CIA's creation back in the late 1980s. And now they want permission to work with, and support people who are even nastier than him!

While it may offend some to point out this obvious contradiction, and yes it raises serious issues which span decades of treason, war crimes and corruption in high places, eclipsing the drug war, even this plague of terrorism.

Yet if we are to sincerely honor those who have been senselessly killed and those now suffering their loss, and to find a way to help prevent anything like this from happening in the future, then I say we must speak out, and more. We must strive to put the full truth before the American people and let them decide for themselves.

We all want to stop terrorism, but if this government's drug war folly and intelligence breakdown are any example, well then maybe we should start at home. With a new government that actually respects human rights while protecting its citizens from fanatics, both domestic and foreign. End the drug war.

Nation's longest running DRUG PEACE VIGIL: Here in Portland, Oregon, please join me any Tuesday through Friday, 4-6p.m. on the sidewalk in front of the Phantom Gallery, 3125 SE Belmont Street (bus# 15).

Best regards,

Floyd Ferris Landrath, 1992 Founder & director American Antiprohibition League Co-founder Portland NORML (1994)

PORTLAND DRUG PEACE VIGILS Sidewalk in front of THE PHANTOM GALLERY 3125 SE Belmont St., Tues-Fri, 4-6pm
"Experience [has] shown that, even under the best forms [of government], those entrusted with power have, in time and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." --Thomas Jefferson: Diffusion of Knowledge Bill, 1779.

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant." John Stuart Mill

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