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Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 02:41:58 -0500
To: Matthew Gaylor &lt;<a href="mailto:freematt@coil.com">freematt@coil.com</a>&gt;
From: Matthew Gaylor &lt;<a href="mailto:freematt@coil.com">freematt@coil.com</a>&gt;
Subject: Alan Dershowitz Suggests Torture Warrants
Cc: Nadine Strossen &lt;<a href="mailto:nstrossen@aclu.org">nstrossen@aclu.org</a>&gt;,
 Barry Steinhardt &lt;<a href="mailto:BSteinhardt@aclu.org">BSteinhardt@aclu.org</a>&gt;, <a href="mailto:thesman@post-dispatch.com">thesman@post-dispatch.com</a>,
 <a href="mailto:farber@cis.upenn.edu">farber@cis.upenn.edu</a> (Dave Farber), Declan McCullagh &lt;<a href="mailto:declan@well.com">declan@well.com</a>&gt;,
 Jim Warren &lt;<a href="mailto:jwarren@well.com">jwarren@well.com</a>&gt;
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"
[Note from Matthew Gaylor: This is sounding like a bad movie where 
the Nazi says "Ve haff vays of making you talk". As an ACLU member 
I'm asking that the ACLU revoke Professor Dershowitz's membership. 
First he favored a National ID, but I think he has crossed the line 
by suggesting the implementation of "torture warrants". The ACLU 
needs to strongly condemn Professor Dershowitz's statements and the 
best way to do so is by removing him from the Union. ]
U.S. now might have to consider what once was unthinkable, Dershowitz says:
Below is the link to the story. {Saint Louis Today}
&lt;<a href="http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/news/D2614FEED94954">http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/news/D2614FEED94954</a> 
By Tina Hesman
Of The Post-Dispatch
11/04/2001 06:07 AM
   Even torture may not be off the table as an information-gathering tool,
Dershowitz said. But there must be a national debate about the
circumstances in which torture is permissible and who should have the power
to decide when to use it. Dershowitz suggested that judges could issue
torture warrants in certain cases.
   Americans must plan their approach to these disquieting issues carefully
and not allow the basic values of the country to erode, he said.
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