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Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 05:38:54 -0500
To: Matthew Gaylor &lt;<a href="mailto:freematt@coil.com">freematt@coil.com</a>&gt;
From: Matthew Gaylor &lt;<a href="mailto:freematt@coil.com">freematt@coil.com</a>&gt;
Subject: Censorship and Propaganda in the Gulf War: How Government Can
 Mold Public Opinion
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&lt;<a href="http://www.independent.org/tii/content/events/f_macarth.html&gt;">http://www.independent.org/tii/content/events/f_macarth.html&gt;</a>
The Independent Policy Forum
Censorship and Propaganda in the Gulf War:
How Government Can Mold Public Opinion
October 7, 1993
Sheraton Palace Hotel, San Francisco
John R. MacArthur
Publisher, Harper's Magazine
Author, Second Front: Censorship and Propaganda in the Gulf War
David Theroux
President, The Independent Institute:
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is David Theroux, I am 
the president of The Independent Institute, and I am delighted to 
welcome you to our Independent Policy Forum program today.
As many of you know, the Institute regularly sponsors programs 
featuring outstanding experts to address major social, economic, and 
foreign policy issues, especially as they may relate to important new 
books. And, today is certainly no exception.
For those of you new to the Institute, you will find background 
information on our program in the packet at your seat. The 
Independent Institute is a non-profit, non-politicized, scholarly 
research and educational organization which sponsors comprehensive 
studies of critical public issues. The Institute's program adheres to 
the highest standards of independent inquiry, and the resulting 
studies are widely distributed as books and other publications, and 
are publicly debated through numerous conference and media programs, 
such as in our forum today. Our purpose is a Jeffersonian one of 
seeking the truth regarding the impact of government policies, and 
not necessarily to just tell people what they might want to hear. In 
so doing, we will not take the public pronouncements of government 
officials at face value, nor the conventional wisdom over serious 
public problems. Hence, we invite your involvement, but be prepared 
for new and challenging perspectives.
Neither seeking nor accepting government funding, the Institute draws 
its support from a diverse range of foundations, businesses, and 
individuals, and we invite you to join with us as a tax-deductible 
Independent Institute Associate Member. Also in your packet, you will 
find information on the benefits in becoming a Member including 
receipt of a free copy of our new, widely acclaimed, iconoclastic 
book on unemployment and the economy, Out of Work, by Richard Vedder 
and Lowell Gallaway. In addition, many of you may be interested in 
our book, Arms, Politics and the Economy, an in-depth critique of the 
defense establishment, especially in our post-Cold War era. Your 
packet should have an Independent Briefing on the book.
Our program today could not be more timely. Despite this week's 
congressional clamor for withdrawal, an increasingly bloody, 
escalating intervention in Somalia is showing that the use of 
military intervention by the Clinton administration, like the Bush 
administration before it, is likely to continue to be a common 
feature of American foreign policy. Today, we have learned that an 
additional 5,000 plus troops with heavy weapons will now be sent to 
Somalia for "non-military purposes." But will the Clinton 
administration like the Bush administration allow the military to 
keep American journalists from doing their jobs if the shooting 
starts and American forces take increased casualties? Will the 
Clinton administration seek to limit the role of the press as was 
done in the Gulf War to that of glorified government stenographers 
should its interventions turn bloody, as has already happened with 
the Somalia expedition?
Furthermore, what happens when government goes unchallenged, and when 
questions regarding present and proposed domestic and international 
policies go unasked? To understand how government officials may seek 
to shift and control public opinion, our speaker today has found 
understanding the precedents set during the war against Saddam 
Hussein to be most insightful.
In his presentation, our speaker will draw upon his widely-acclaimed 
book, Second Front: Censorship and Propaganda in the Gulf War, to 
scrutinize the government's campaign to tightly control the American 
media during Operation Desert Storm, policies that can be traced 
through decades of press-government relations, including that 
developed in the military operations in Grenada and Panama.
In his talk, our speaker will detail behind-the-scenes activities 
during Operation Desert Storm by the U.S. and Kuwaiti governments as 
well as the media's being co-opted while its rights to observe, 
question, and report were heavily restricted far beyond any needs to 
protect American lives. As a result, from Left to Right, there 
resulted a virtual and complete cave-in by the media over the events, 
politics, and simple facts during the Gulf Crisis. For example, as 
reported in September's issue of Washington Monthly, within minutes 
after a Norman Schwarzkopf Gulf War briefing in which the General 
showed the press an Air Force film that he said depicted the 
destruction of seven Iraqi Scud missiles, he was told that the CIA 
believed that they were oil tanker trucks, not Scuds. The General 
never corrected the record, and in a House Armed Services committee 
report recently released, it states "a postwar review of photographs 
cannot produce even a single confirmed kill of a Scud missile."
In a similar vein, where the General claimed that Iraq had 623,000 
soldiers in the Kuwaiti theater, postwar Army estimates put Iraqi 
strength at roughly 300,000, and the House committee report puts the 
figure at 183,000. The Allies, meanwhile, had a total of 700,000 
It has been said that truth is the first casualty of war, and the 
history of war-making certainly bears this out. History has indeed 
been largely written by the victors, and anyone familiar with the 
Bayeux Tapestry of William the Conqueror knows the lengths to which a 
State will go to justify war atrocities.. And in the American 
experience, the Spanish-American War, World Wars I and II, and the 
wars in Korea and Vietnam all depended upon extensive government 
propaganda campaigns. The World War I journalist Randolph Bourne 
correctly stated that "War is the Health of the State," and it is to 
counter this total power that a free, independent, non-governmental 
press is so crucial.
Our speaker today could not be better qualified or more incisive in 
addressing the pressing civil liberties questions we face. In 
addition, he was strongly influenced by the late Walter Karp, whose 
work on journalism and war has scarcely been equaled. Rick MacArthur 
is in the investigative and muck-racking journalistic tradition of 
both H. L. Mencken and I. F. Stone.
He is the publisher of Harper's Magazine. His book, Second Front, was 
selected by The New York Times Book Review Committee as "One of the 
Notable Books of the Year."
Before joining Harper's, Mr. MacArthur was assistant foreign editor 
for United Press International, and he has been a reporter for the 
Chicago Sun-Times, Bergen Record, Washington Star, and The Wall 
Street Journal. In 1986, Mr. MacArthur co-founded Article 19, the 
International Centre on Censorship, which is based in London.
Mr. MacArthur holds a bachelor's degree in history from Columbia 
University, and he is a fellow at the New York Institute for the 
Humanities and a director of the Author's Guild and the Committee to 
Protect Journalists.
I am very pleased to introduce him now to speak on "Censorship and 
Propaganda in the Gulf War: How Government Can Mold Public Opinion," 
after which he will be happy to answer your questions. May I present 
Rick MacArthur.
Presentation by John R. MacArthur:
I hope none of you think I am a humorless left-wing media critic, but 
I come out of a tradition of reporting which is probably fast 
disappearing, I am afraid. One of my mentors at United Press 
International was a very odd survivor of the "Beat Generation" named 
Lucian Carr. One day I was working on the foreign desk -- cables desk 
as we called it at UPI -- and I had sent over a story with a lead 
paragraph that Carr decided was not sufficient to excite the interest 
of what we called "telegraph editors" at newspapers around the 
country. Carr sort of ambled over to the cables desk and he said, 
"Gentlemen, make me cry or make me horny." That was the sort of world 
I grew up in, a newspaper business that didn't take itself nearly as 
seriously as it takes itself now; and I would argue, it was a much 
better, livelier business than it has become.
To begin, to back up the argument in my book, Second Front, I always 
prefer a literary reference to a historical one -- that is when I can 
get away with it.
During the summer vacation, and gratefully overcoming my phobia about 
Henry James, I had the good fortune to discover two terrifically 
useful quotations in one novel, The Portrait of a Lady, that bear 
directly on those arguments I make in Second Front. In fact, if I had 
known about them two years ago I would have used them in the book.
The first quotation deals with the attitude of Americans toward war, 
certainly in the nineteenth century, but, I believe, in some ways it 
is still our basic attitude. Bear with me if you know the story of 
The Portrait of a Lady. James' heroine, the young, attractive and 
intelligent Isabel Archer has been pursued, by among other men, a 
certain Casper Goodwood, a Massachusetts textile heir of energy and 
literal mindedness -- in short, a member of the class that I like to 
refer to as the "working rich." James describes him this way, "It 
always struck people who knew him that he might do greater things 
than carry on a cotton factory. There was nothing cottony about 
Casper Goodwood. And his friends took him for granted that he would 
not always content himself with that. He had once said to Isabel that 
if the United States were not such a confoundedly peaceful nation, he 
would find his proper place in the Army."
In the Gulf War story, George Bush plays a version of Casper 
Goodwood, the son of the New England political and business 
aristocracy, desperate to prove himself in war, trying to overcome 
the confoundedly peaceful tendencies of his fellow citizens, which 
stand in the way of his enormous ambition.
Another character in the novel is Isabel's friend, Henrietta 
Stackpole. Henrietta is as straight-forward and energetic as 
Goodwood, but her trade is journalism and she is constantly trying to 
tell Isabel the truth, which is the very bad news that the man Isabel 
eventually marries is a selfish, narrow-minded prig. Now regarding 
the husband's poor opinion of her, of Henrietta, James quotes 
Henrietta this way, "I don't know and I don't care. He is perfectly 
welcome not to like me. I don't want everyone to like me. I should 
think less of myself if some people did."
A journalist can't hope to do much good unless he gets hated a good 
deal. That's the way he knows his work goes on. Henrietta, who works 
for The New York Interviewer speaks in the honest journalist idiom 
displayed in my book by Dan Rather, who denounces the new era of what 
he calls "suck-up journalism." He describes to me how he's become an 
alien in a world in which his boss is urgent to become more likable 
-- not hated, but more likable. Rather can remember the day not so 
long ago when reporters were rewarded for being more like Henrietta 
Now, do these nineteenth century assumptions about America, 
fundamentally peaceful and protected from the Casper Goodwoods by a 
fiercely independent and rambunctious press, still apply in the 
present day? Sadly they don't.
On the one hand, in the Gulf War story we have a president of great 
energy and ambition who drags his reluctant countrymen into war 
through a carefully orchestrated and largely fraudulent public 
relations campaign. Standing between Bush and his ambition there 
should have been a whole army of Henrietta Stackpoles asking 
unpleasant and probing questions. In 1881 it could be assumed that 
most reporters and publishers would have generally agreed with 
Henrietta's assessment of the journalist destiny to be hated. But 
what Bush encountered in the late twentieth century instead was a 
group of tame and timid press agents incapable, or unwilling for the 
most part, of doing even the most basic police reporting. Not to 
mention asking probing and intelligent questions about foreign 
policy, foreign countries, war and peace, etc., etc.
Worse still, Bush found among the media a cadre of "journalists" who 
did their best to perpetrate the propaganda that proved successful in 
driving this country into the Gulf War.
Again, I assume that most of you have not read my book. I will 
summarize what I think are the three great frauds produced by the 
White House with the cooperation, eager or passive depending on your 
point of view, of the U.S. media.
First, we have the campaign to prove that Saddam Hussein was the 
reincarnation of Adolph Hitler rather than what he is, which is a 
violent Arab dictator of the sort the United States frequently likes 
to back. A subset of this campaign was to paint the Kuwaitis as a 
freedom-loving people moving inexorably toward democracy. This was 
done with very sophisticated maneuvering, costing a lot of money, 
namely with something called Citizens for a Free Kuwait (CFK), which 
of course implies that American citizens are rallying to the Kuwaiti 
cause from all over the country. Citizens for a Free Kuwait forms 
itself about a week after Saddam invades Kuwait and they hire Hill &amp; 
Knowlton, the public relations firm, and ultimately pays it $11 
million to create what was one of the most brilliantly orchestrated 
public relations campaigns in history. It really should go down in 
the record books, and I am hoping that someone will do a scholarly 
book on it someday.
I went to visit Citizens for a Free Kuwait, or what was left of it, a 
few months after the Gulf War ended when I was doing research on my 
book. I went to see a Mr. Ibrahim, who was the titular head of CFK. 
The first time I realized something fishy was going on when he pulled 
out a stack of atrocity photographs. I went through them and thought 
this looks pretty awful -- people with odd pieces of metal jammed 
into their bodies in various places.
It looked quite horrible, but the photographs were a little out of 
focus. I went through them a second time and I realized that they 
were mannequins. They had literally dressed up mannequins as torture 
This is not to say that Saddam did not kill Kuwaitis and did not 
torture Kuwaitis but these fraudulent photographs became the stock 
and trade of the Hill &amp; Knowlton campaign.
Now, the absolute piéce de resistance of this propaganda campaign, as 
you may have heard, was the baby-incubator atrocity. In August, the 
word started coming out of Kuwait from anonymous sources who were 
interviewed by reporters, who, as I said, did not do the most 
fundamental police reporting -- like asking for last names, 
addresses, ages, occupations, etc., etc., -- saying that Iraqi 
soldiers were pulling babies out of incubators and killing them that 
way in Kuwaiti hospitals.
Hill &amp; Knowlton is very well connected on Capitol Hill and at the 
White House. The senior account people on the Kuwaiti account 
included Craig Fuller, Bush's former chief of staff when Bush was 
Vice President, and various other mucky mucks who know how to make 
things happen on Capitol Hill. They set up a hearing with the 
Congressional Human Rights caucus, chaired by Tom Lantos, the Bay 
Area congressman, and John Edward Porter of Illinois, in which they 
were going to expose Iraqi atrocities for the benefit of the caucus 
and the American people.
Anyway, there was an incredible conflict of interest between the 
caucus and Hill &amp; Knowlton, the most important aspect of which was 
that the Congressional Human Rights Foundation, which was a 
fund-raising arm of the caucus, had its offices, rent-free, in the 
Hill &amp; Knowlton headquarters. The Hill &amp; Knowlton executives were 
also representing as clients habitual human rights violators like 
Turkey, Indonesia and China. You might ask yourself why Lantos and 
Porter were allowing this arrangement. In any event, the star of the 
hearing was a young 15 year-old girl named Nayirah -- no last name, 
no address, no occupation -- who said that she had volunteered at 
Kuwaiti hospitals and had seen the babies pulled from incubators and 
left to die on the cold floor.
Now, to this day, I cannot tell you whether or not this story, which 
turned out to be utterly fake, was manufactured by 
historically-astute public relations executives in collaboration with 
the Kuwaitis, who had read World War I history and had learned how 
successful the German atrocities against Belgian babies and nuns had 
been in getting public opinion on the side of the allies and getting 
the United States into that war.
Nobody at the hearing, no reporter said, "Nayirah, that is a terrible 
story; I am on the verge of tears. But what did you do after you put 
the babies on the floor to die? Did you call for help, did you try to 
pick one up, what happened then?"
The most fundamental and most elementary questions that a reporter is 
supposed to ask were not asked. Niyarah was a fantastic propaganda 
success. Hill &amp; Knowlton made a brilliant little video news release 
out of it, which they beamed all over the world. It was on NBC 
Nightly News and millions and millions of people saw this. My brother 
saw Niyarah testify, and it brought him to tears. That was the 
beginning of the campaign. The campaign had begun to "get legs" as we 
say in the public relations and news business.
Then they went to the United Nations and they did the same thing at 
the Security Council. There was a certain Dr. Behbehani, who you may 
remember testified that he was a surgeon who had personally seen the 
burial of 40 babies pulled from incubators.
It turns out that Dr. Behbehani was a dentist, not a surgeon; and he 
admitted after the war that he had lied, he made the whole thing up! 
But again, it was grist for the public relations mill, it was 
terrifically successful. Every time you put this stuff on camera -- 
and they staged it all very, very successfully -- you make a video 
news release out of it and WZZZ in San Antonio can just pop it into 
the console and make it part of their evening news. It's got a longer 
life than just the day of the hearing or the day of the security 
counsel hearing. It gets used again and again and again as filler for 
tonight's roundup on Saddam-Hitler, Iraqi atrocities.
I did a little math and found out that the polls showed a country 
pretty much divided 50-50 on sanctions versus hostilities back in 
December 1990 and January 1991. But when the vote was finally taken 
in the Senate, you may recall, it passed by five votes and in favor 
of war. Six Senators cited the baby-incubator atrocity as a principal 
reason -- sort of a final, compelling reason to vote for the 
resolution over their initial or instinctive reluctance to go to war. 
Several others who voted for the resolution said they thought Iraqi 
atrocities in general were a good reason to go to war. As you may 
know, Niyarah was not only a liar, but she was the daughter of the 
Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. That is the story I revealed 
in The New York Times in January of 1992 on the op-ed page.
So, you have the country going to war, essentially, I believe, over 
human rights, not over oil, not over realpolitik, not over America's 
destiny to police the world, but really over human rights. This is 
what swung the balance. That a good part of the human rights 
atrocities story was fake suggests that we were mislead, conned, 
whatever you want to say.
The second great fraud that I think took place during the Gulf War 
build-up was, and this is a little more obscure, the premise for 
sending troops in, in the first place.
You remember that Bush sent troops in order to defend Saudi Arabia 
against a possible invasion from Kuwait by the Iraqis. But there were 
Soviet satellite photographs available of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia 
taken on September 11 and 13 1990. Those photographs showed very 
clearly the American troop concentration on the Saudi side of the 
border. They showed no Iraqi troop concentrations on the Kuwaiti side 
of the border, nothing.
Several news organizations had access to these photographs, including 
Newsweek, ABC and The Chicago Tribune. Sam Donaldson personally 
looked at them and thought about going with them. But they all spiked 
the story because they were too scared to publish a story that 
contradicted what the government was saying, which was essentially 
that there was a huge number of Iraqi soldiers poised or prepared to 
invade Saudi Arabia, which of course was the premise for sending the 
In January, just before the Senate debate on the war resolution, The 
St. Petersburg Times finally published the photographs. The only 
newspaper in the country to publish these was in St. Petersburg, 
Florida, so the wire services didn't pick it up and television didn't 
pick it up. (If you lived in St. Petersburg, you were the best 
informed American on the subject of Iraq's threat to Saudi Arabia.)
After the famous April Glaspie gaff, she was called home. Remember 
what she did? She said to Saddam that the United States takes no 
position in border disputes between Arab countries or between Iraq 
and Kuwait, which some people think encouraged Saddam to invade. In 
April, a reporter caught her on the fly walking down the street and 
he asked, "How did you manage to screw up so badly, April?" She said, 
"We didn't think he'd take the whole thing."
I strongly believe that the invasion threat was fake. Even 
Schwarzkopf in his autobiography skirts the question. He's very 
careful because, I think, he's afraid that evidence may come out that 
the invasion threat wasn't what we had said it was. If you read his 
autobiography, he says, even if the Iraqis weren't intending to 
invade Saudi Arabia, it was a good thing to go after them.
The third canard is the nuclear threat. If you recall, there was a 
great deal said about Saddam's nuclear capability and quite a bit of 
hysterical posturing on that subject. I found out from a very, very 
reliable government source -- and it's public, if you want to see it 
-- that the estimates on Saddam's potential for building a crude 
atomic bomb that he could conceivably use, range from two weeks to 
fifteen years. If you put together all the expert opinion on it. I've 
thought since I've started looking into this, the economic embargo 
made it impossible for him to complete work on the bomb, even if he 
was aggressively trying to do it and even if he had the capability.
The second factor that people didn't discuss of course was Seymour 
Hersh's revelation that the Israelis have 300 nuclear warheads and 
are perfectly prepared to use them if necessary. During the war in 
1974 with Egypt, Golda Meir actually prepared the military for a 
nuclear strike on Egypt. You have to remember that the Israelis had 
already taken out a nuclear reactor in Baghdad in 1981, so the idea 
that the world was going to sit by and let Saddam build a bomb and 
use it is not only tenuous, but with a full blown economic blockade 
on Iraq, it doesn't seem very plausible that he could complete the 
program even under, as I said, less than optimal circumstances. But 
this was again very, very effective because people said, "Well, even 
if this is the case and that is the case, and Bush is really trying 
to do this over oil or some other reason, it's a good thing to 
destroy his nuclear program." I suppose it is still a fairly good 
Were we conned into the war? I really do feel we were. Remember how 
close that Senate vote was? At least we could have hoped for a better 
account of the battle such as it was. My editor, Lewis Lapham, at 
Harper's calls it "the suppression of a mob." That's really a better 
description of the Gulf War.
But the censorship was so extraordinary and the media was so passive 
in the face of it that, of course, we got a terrible view of what the 
war actually looked like and what occurred during the war.
In his introduction, David Theroux referred to one example: 
Schwarzkopf and the mobile Scud-launchers. The story was first broken 
by Mark Crispen Miller, on the op-ed page of The New York Times last 
year, that Schwarzkopf had been briefed before he went on television, 
and went ahead anyway with the misinformation about the alleged Scud 
hits. This issue incidentally came up in the lawsuit against the 
government's campaign of censorship, which Harper's Magazine 
participated in, led by The Nation. We couldn't get any major media 
companies to join the law suit. In my book, I interview people like 
Ben Bradlee and Katherine Graham of The Washington Post who show a 
marked indifference to the whole thing. You have to understand that 
if Ben Bradlee, or especially Katherine Graham, doesn't care enough 
to do anything about it, nothing is going to get done. It's just not 
going to get done. The institutional opposition is just not going to 
happen. I could go into great detail about how the media bureaucrats 
in Washington, D.C., colluded in their own demise but it's a very, 
very sad and pathetic story.
What is a poor citizen do, given that you've got ambitious 
politicians who want to put one over on you, and you've got reporters 
who don't want to do anything about it, don't want to ask questions, 
don't know how to do basic reporting anymore? All I can advise you to 
do is to do your own reporting and reading.
I don't want to give you a sense of hopelessness because it's not 
hopeless. The best media critics were A. J. Liebling, H. L. Mencken 
and Walter Karp -- and I recommend all their books to you and all 
their articles. But what about the journalists themselves, what about 
the reporters themselves? As Rather had said, our kind of reporter, 
the kind of reporter I think of myself as being and he fantasizes he 
once was a tough guy reporter, afraid of no one, ready to challenge 
power at every step -- is virtually extinct. You know the sort of 
reporter who really likes to put a politician's feet to the fire, who 
enjoys it, who has a kind of a mean streak.
I am going to speak to the University of California Graduate School 
of Journalism tonight, and I am going to ask the students, "How many 
of you really feel that you have the stomach for this, the sort of 
mean streak, or that you get the joy out of getting a politician 
angry, that is required to do good journalism?"
But the situation just seems to get worse and worse. I don't know if 
any of you noticed, but Harper's, in conjunction with Nightline, 
broke a story in August about a document that seemed to show that 
George Bush strafed lifeboats in World War II. This is a document 
that was floating around in the media before the election while Bush 
is bashing Clinton's draft-dodging and trumpeting his own wartime 
achievements and no one would publish it. Newsweek wouldn't publish 
it, U.S. News &amp; World Report wouldn't publish it. They wouldn't even 
ask Bush for comment on it.
Harper's published it in the September issue, but believe me, we were 
not congratulated by our colleagues. In fact, I went on a couple of 
radio shows with the media critic of Newsweek, Jonathan Alter. 
Jonathan, who was supposed to be a media critic spent a good ten 
minutes explaining why the document was insignificant. So that at the 
end of five minutes of this explication, I said, isn't this great to 
have the media critic for Newsweek magazinedoing George Bush's 
explaining for him.
That is precisely what was going on during the Gulf War, during the 
build-up and during the Gulf War. Ninety-five percent of the 
reporters were doing their damnedest to interpret or to help 
explicate the government's version of the war. That is what 
journalists do now. It is not even stenography as David Theroux 
described it. It's worse than stenography now, it's extra public 
relations help.
Through the Freedom of Information Act request I was able to get this 
wonderful conversation between Pete Williams, the chief Pentagon 
spokesman and his underlings in Dhahran, where he actually says, 
"Look guys, you may get some gripes from the reporters who feel 
unhappy about being confined in pools and not getting to the action 
and so on, but, to tell you the truth, there's a big portion of them 
that are just doing this for show, they really want to help." "Sort 
of tweak it up a little bit," is the way Williams put it.
We're now in a situation where you've got powerful newspaper 
executives like Al Neuharth, the former chairman of the Gannett chain 
making idiotic statements like, "There are no more secrets in the 
world." From the highest mountain to the lowest valley. Connie Chung, 
I guess, who's much more likable than Dan Rather, and who is now his 
co-anchor. Pete Williams is now a reporter -- the guy who lied again 
and again during the Gulf War and lied directly to me. I can honestly 
call him a liar and never lose a liable suit. He is now a reporter 
for NBC. Bob Woodward, the hero of Watergate, sits on stories. One of 
the best stories of the pre-Gulf War period was the revelation which 
we received in his book after the Gulf War that Colin Powell opposed 
-- alone in the administration -- military action and a military 
solution in the Gulf War. I think that's something that would have 
formed the debate before the war. But he sat on the story and it was 
left to Bob Edwards, our friend on Morning Edition to say, "Gee, 
isn't that a little odd, I mean in Watergate you broke stories as the 
story was unfolding." Woodward gave some half-assed response about, 
"Well, it wasn't like any great crime was being committed."
What all this does is to discourage reporters or young people going 
into journalism to try to do what I think is the right thing, which 
is to get in trouble, make trouble and make people mad at them on 
behalf of the public. And of course, get the public angry from time 
to time.
But I am afraid that if you polled most journalism students today, 
you'd find that a good number of them are hoping to become Sam 
Donaldson, who sat on the satellite photographs because he was too 
scared to go with them, or Diane Sawyer, who was an assistant press 
agent for Nixon -- does anybody know that she followed Nixon into 
exile for 2 years? She continued working for him after Watergate -- 
rather than Seymour Hersh, who is one of my heroes, and a real nasty 
son-of-a-bitch who just broke a very good story in The New Yorker. Or 
they want to be George Stephanopolis or they even want to be a Hill &amp; 
Knowlton p.r. executive because that's where the action is today, 
that's where the rewards are.
Like Henrietta Stackpole, I am dedicated to the notion that it is a 
great thing to be hated, or at least, I accept it as part of the 
territory of being a serious reporter. And, I think, what could be 
better than to be hated by Frank Lankowitz and Robert Gray of Hill &amp; 
Knowlton or, for that matter by George Bush or Robert Stinnet, who is 
outraged that I am speaking here today? Stinnet, of course, was 
Bush's wartime biographer, and he is the guy who left the strafing 
report out of the biography.
But what is a little disturbing is to be hated by my putative 
colleagues in the press. And I am hated by them because I go around 
attacking them and telling them that they are slobs and lazy and 
tools of the establishment and hand-maidens to political power. And 
they hate me for it. But it is getting to the point that things are 
so polarized I really don't have any choice but to do this. To go 
around saying that politicians are lying to you and you have got to 
be aware, without pointing out that one of our big problems is that 
reporters themselves are helping amplify the lies, I would not be 
giving you the whole story, and that is what I am supposed to do as a 
journalist and a publisher.
Nowadays the courtiers in the press want to be invited to parties at 
the White House or Jack Kent Cook's box at RFK Stadium. They want to 
be loved, and this is paradoxical: they want to be loved by the 
politicians and by the masses, by the general public. They want 
celebrity status and they want access to the halls of power. But 
ultimately, of course, as Jefferson said, and I am paraphrasing, "At 
some point in one's life, one has to choose between the interests of 
the many and the interests of the few." This balancing act is very 
dangerous for reporters and editorial people because, at a certain 
point, if you choose the interests of a few too often and it gets 
exposed, it can bring you down -- at least that's my hope.
The only way your interest -- the public interest -- is going to be 
represented in the media is if you get wise to what is going on and 
you let the media know that you are dissatisfied. It takes I think 
$100 million to start a daily newspaper, and good luck trying to do 
so. But there has got to be some way that you get your message across 
that you are not happy, that you are not satisfied with the 
situation. That's the only hope.
Question: Who really supports the McNeil-Lehrer Newshour? Who pays for it?
MacArthur: AT&amp;T is the principal underwriter, along with PBS. I don't 
think the McNeil-Lehrer Newshour is any worse than CNN or any other 
news organization. What McNeil-Lehrer is and what most news 
organizations are these days are basically passive institutions. 
Walter Karp's great insight, that it is not an ideological conspiracy 
by the media or by reporters to keep you in the dark, it is a passive 
reaction, a sort of folding inward in the face of political power.
The way the game is played in Washington and New York is if the White 
House says or the congressional leadership says, "This is news," it 
becomes news. . Remember Bush decided that Somalia was news because 
he was in a bad mood about the likelihood of losing and he wanted to 
send a Christmas card to the American people. So, it became news. 
Government sets the news agenda, not Robin McNeil and Jim Lehrer and 
not AT&amp;T and not PBS. I am not unloading on the McNeil-Lehrer 
Newshour, they are no worse than anybody else.
Question: If the questions are not being asked, then isn't the 
information never going to get out to the public?
MacArthur: As I said, the reward system is such that you don't get 
rewarded for asking those questions. You get punished, you get 
criticized, you get insulted. You start asking and McNeil-Lehrer 
specializes in putting institutional government spokesman on and 
newspapers like The New York Times and The Washington Post or news 
organizations like McNeil-Lehrer are very dependent on their 
relationships with government. They need guests for their shows; they 
need leaks to make it look like they are reporting the news and so on 
and so forth.
If Robin McNeil suddenly gets mean and asks that question, the White 
House or whoever sent the spokesman is going to say. "We are not 
going to send him next time, Robin. We are not going to invite you to 
the Christmas party and we are not going to invite you to dinner with 
the Under-Secretary of State and you are going to get frozen out, if 
you do that too often.
I believe that the power of corporations is exaggerated in this 
country. I really do go against all of my left-wing friends and 
colleagues on this one. The real power in this country is with 
elected politicians and bureaucrats. And it is not bribery or 
influence from AT&amp;T, it is the government that sets the news agenda. 
It is a reward system and unless you have owners, and there is really 
no alternative to private enterprise in the media, it is up to the 
owners to set a tone for the reporters where they are rewarded for 
asking the tough questions. The media today are not.
Question: Aren't corporations really responsible for electing 
politicians and hence the policies and misinformation that results?
MacArthur: No, I think it is a misconception that corporations bribe 
politicians. What happens is politicians shake down corporations. It 
is a shakedown operation ,and it is too easy, and we get into trouble 
when we say this because it is tempting to say that politics is ruled 
by money. No, the country is ruled by politicians and they shake down 
whomever they can shake down for money to advance their causes and 
maintain control. Look, you have got to read Walter Karp, we are 
going to publish Indispensable Enemies. You've got to read it. 
Harper's is going to reissue it. You should all buy a copy.
Question: With regards to Bob Simon, while Rather was crying 
crocodile tears about CBS not joining the nations and saying how 
terrible it was that everybody was kowtowing to Bush, I don't exactly 
know if it happened when he said the photographs were available, but 
Simon drove out past the American lines to find the enemy. I believe 
that it took him eight hours. That story was covered prominently, his 
capture and such. And in that respect, weren't the journalists there 
responsible for not bringing up the point that it took eight hours to 
find the enemy, rather than the fact that he was captured by the 
Iraqi "baby-killers"?
MacArthur: That is a very astute point because I limit my comments 
about Bob Simon by saying, "Hurray for Bob Simon." He is one of the 
only reporters who tried to break away from the pool system and the 
censorship system to go out and do some independent reporting, and he 
paid for it.
What is also terrible is that his colleagues -- while they did 
publicize his capture -- and didn't ask the question that you are 
asking, because it is true. I interviewed Simon. He went to the 
border and there was nobody there except the Saudi border guard all 
by himself and he asked, "Have you seen any Iraqis?" and the guard 
said, "No. I haven't seen anybody, you want to go look?" I mean it is 
all sand, there is no fence. So they say. "What the hell," and they 
drove into the desert looking for Iraqis. In the distance they see 
one jeep with three Iraqis in it and they have got guns and they 
arrest them. But he doesn't see anything along the border anywhere 
that suggests an invading army is encamped.
Another insidious thing that happened is that any reporters who tried 
to play ball with the government, they tried to get favors in 
exchange for operating with the government and the military were 
critical of Simon for not behaving like a good Boy Scout. Simon 
cheated. That is another thing I urge reporters to do is to buy and 
cheat in the name of truth. You know he would put on combat fatigues 
and he and his cameramen impersonated soldiers, which got them past 
checkpoints and got them out into the field. A lot of reporters said, 
"Oh, that is terrible; they cheated." It is another world than the 
one that I came up in and I am only 37 years-old. Things have really 
Question: Is it possible that the reason the press really didn't 
cover the Gulf War adequately is because the feeling of the country 
at the time is that we didn't want another Vietnam, we wanted to feel 
good about this war, we wanted to win this war?
MacArthur: Yes. Once the war had begun, up to that point people were 
deeply ambivalent. Remember it was 50-50 after an enormous, expensive 
an very sophisticated public relations campaign. The country was 
still pretty much divided on sanctions versus war on January 11 when 
the Senate debate began. It was still pretty much divided in the 
polls. And it was a tribute to our confoundedly peaceful instincts 
that Casper Goodwood is complaining about that in the face of this 
onslaught, half the people were still skeptical about the war option. 
Does that answer your question?
Question: Do you know where the $11 million that was raised rather 
quickly for the advertising of the Hill &amp; Knowlton public relations 
budget came from?
MacArthur: It was all Kuwaiti government money. Citizens for a Free 
Kuwait was a complete fraud. I counted the amount of money. I believe 
American citizens contributed about $312, some poor gullible souls. 
The Kuwaiti government contributed about $11 million. It was all fake.
Question: Why didn't the Kuwaiti Army or defenses put up a battle 
when they were invaded?
MacArthur: I am not an expert on Kuwaiti culture. I tried to learn as 
much about the Kuwaitis as I could but they are not noted as 
fighters. They are noted as pearl divers and that is how they built 
their fortune in the eighteenth century. One of the great ironies of 
Kuwaiti history is that in the mid-1930s, when Iraq was ruled by a 
nationalist king who wanted the British out, the Kuwaitis begged for 
a merger with Iraq, which the British could not permit because of 
their divide-and-rule policy. Suddenly the king of Iraq died in a car 
accident and there were actually pro-union riots in Kuwait, but then 
oil was discovered and the Kuwaitis discovered they didn't need Iraq. 
I think the Kuwaitis have a real claim to sovereignty in a sense that 
it is fashionable and cynical to say, "Well, all these borders were 
drawn by the British in a tent," but there is a sort of Kuwaiti 
organism that exists from the 18th century onward. There is a 
culture. All the people, all the imported labor, doesn't get to 
participate in Kuwaiti society in equal terms. The Palestinians, the 
Filipino domestic workers who get brutalized and raped and beaten up 
and so on and so forth. None of those people get to participate. But 
there is a Kuwaiti culture, and it is not noted for its military 
Question: Do you remember the piece that appeared in The New York 
Post about Bush being a war hero and the tailgunner flying in 
formation and the story was apparently that the tailgunner saw no 
puff of smoke. Bush jettisoned the two guys in the tail, and let them 
go down in flames.
MacArthur: I am inclined to give Bush the benefit of the doubt on 
that one because I think I would have done the same thing, probably, 
but who knows? The interesting thing about that story though, is that 
as you say, only one installment ran. It was supposed to be a 
six-part series. They killed the last five parts. The main witness 
who was in the plane behind Bush's and who was the main source for 
the story, the White House got to. It is sort of known in the 
business that the White House got to him. We don't know how they got 
to him, but he said in an interview a few months later that he was 
contacted by the White House and now his version of what happened is 
different, period. I think that the strafing story is a really 
interesting story, not a definitive story but it is one that we 
should have known about.
Question: You spoke about the symbiotic relationship between the 
government and the media, would you speak a little more about 
proposal solutions that you would endorse?
MacArthur: Well, as I said, since freedom of the press is really 
guaranteed only to those who own one, there is no clear solution 
other than self-education. I mean, my book sold 12,000 copies and you 
can read it. It is not a mass market best-seller. I did get on to "60 
Minutes" with the Nayirah story, which reached 30 million people, but 
that is a fluke. I mean, not to take anything away from my reporting 
skills, but the timing was right and "60 Minutes" jumped on it when 
they saw it on the op-ed page of The New York Times. The op-ed editor 
of the Times, Mike Levitas is a real news-man. He came up in the 
1950s when journalists were called reporters and they didn't take on 
airs and so-on. And so he said, "Hey, that is a great story. Let's do 
it. Let's play it up." But that doesn't happen very often.
There is one solution which Liebling suggested, which is the endowed 
newspaper or the endowed magazine and interestingly enough, The St. 
Petersburg Times is such a newspaper. It is owned by a foundation. It 
is allowed to operate for profit for the benefit of the Nelson 
Poyntner Foundation because Poyntner was an unusual guy who wanted to 
make sure that his way of doing business would continue into the 
future. So the editor of The St. Petersburg Times -- his name is Andy 
Barnes -- could on his own steam, show up in the Washington bureau 
one day, on the day the reporter who broke the satellite photograph 
story was looking for authorization to pay $3,000 for one more 
photograph to complete the puzzle from the Soviet agency, and she 
said, "Hey, Andy, can I have the money to buy it? I have got an 
interesting story," and Andy said, "Sure, you can do it." Now I do 
have to tell you that getting money out of an editor at a modern 
newspaper is like pulling teeth -- especially if it is connected with 
a controversial story like this that could get the paper into 
trouble. It just doesn't happen like that anymore. But Barnes, 
because he has got independence written into Poyntner's will, runs 
the paper. So he can do whatever the hell he wants. Similarly, 
Harper's Magazine is owned by a foundation, and I can do anything I 
want. I don't have to answer to stock holders, etc., etc. I have to 
answer to my board, but my board generally agrees with what I am 
doing and what Lewis Lapham is doing.
Question: Aside from The St. Petersburg Times, were there any other 
bright lights news organizations in the Gulf War?
MacArthur: Yes, there are individual stories like the Bob Simon story 
that is a bright light. You know, I have a footnote at the back of 
the book: A story of four free-lancers who tried to do something 
different. One of them is a local guy by the name of Jonathan 
Franklin who got hired as an assistant, as a temporary mortician at 
Dover Air Force Base. He took classes to learn how to be a mortician 
so that he could be hired at Dover. So that he could find out if the 
body count the Pentagon was giving us matched the number of bodies 
coming into Dover. Jonathan Franklin has appeared in the San 
Francisco Bay Guardian and a few alternative papers. Jonathan 
Franklin is the only reporter that I know who saw an American corpse 
in the Gulf War. It is sort of a stunt, but don't you think that it 
is a pretty good one? I mean I applaud that kind of initiative.
A British freelancer who had been in the British Army, put on his old 
regimental uniform and commandeered a Bradley fighting vehicle, by 
pulling rank on the Americans who were running it. He drove off and 
he got the best footage anybody got of the armored battle during the 
Gulf War.
An Englishman living in Toronto, Paul Roberts, went in on camelback 
from Jordan into Iraq and risked his life to come out with a really, 
really good story which appeared in Saturday Night, a Canadian 
These guys are few and far between, and they are not celebrated. They 
are not famous for what they did. The most egregious surrender that 
occurred during the Gulf War in terms of symbolism and so-on, and I 
suppose in substance, was that the four big dailies, the big national 
dailies like the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The 
Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, all pulled their 
correspondents from Baghdad.
Peter Arnett stayed; of course, he is a bright light. But the big 
four papers ordered their people out. The Los Angeles Times guy 
fought to stay in and finally was reduced to saying to his boss, his 
former editor, "I have to stay because my wife, Lucia Anuziatta has 
to stay for her paper, La Republica." The Los Angeles Times foreign 
editor said no.
Question: When and more importantly, why did this transition start to 
happen? Was it USA Today, was it CNN?
MacArthur: Mark Hertsgaard wrote a book called On Bended Knee which 
is about the transition between more or less combative reporting and 
suck-up journalism. What I think happened -- and you have got to 
remember that The Washington Post was all by itself. And we don't 
know who Deep Throat was first of all. We don't know if Deep Throat 
was a high government official who made Watergate safe for The 
Washington Post until we know who Deep Throat was. The jury is out on 
how brave and independent the The Washington Post really was. 
Nonetheless they did the right thing and they pursued the story and 
we should all be grateful for it but you have got to think back to 
1972 when Woodward and Bernstein were breaking their stories. Nobody 
was following up.
I worked at The Washington Star in 1978, that was only six years 
later, and the reporters used to joke about how it was their job to 
knock down the Watergate stories that Woodward and Bernstein were 
publishing. Nobody was following up. There was the famous story of 
CBS, where Walter Cronkite was going to do a special on Watergate. 
Paley, the owner personally intervened and cut it down, cut it in 
half, for the election when it would have done some good.
Remember, it wasn't that great; it was better in the late 1960s and 
early 1970s. Then I think what happens is you have a collective sort 
of retrenchment because journalism executives and owners are 
essentially conservative people and there is still a lot of guilt 
around about bringing Nixon down. Very strange psychology. Fifteen 
years later, Nixon gives a speech to the American Society of 
Newspaper Publishers and is given a standing ovation. Okay?
Question: At the end of the war, we saw General Schwarzkopf kind of 
unveiling the entire strategy of the troops, and what area we 
occupied and how we moved in. I was just wondering, was that 
MacArthur: His famous briefing at the end where he says Saddam 
Hussein is a jerk and not a soldier or whatever? Yes, I believe some 
of it is true, but some of it is not true. Everything was graphics 
and logos and the stage-managing was all very carefully thought out. 
Yes, the final part of that press conference is part of that campaign 
to make it look like he is a brilliant strategist and did everything 
right and that he is a great war-leader. Not everybody agrees that 
Schwarzkopf is tactically brilliant. If you read the after-action 
reports of the Air Force, the Navy and the Army, they all claim 
credit for having won the Gulf War without any help with the other 
service branches. The Air Force's is the most interesting report 
because they say, and I think they are probably right, that the war 
was over in the first ten minutes. The great irony is because they 
knocked out Hussein's command-and-control center. He was blind after 
the first 15 minutes; electronically blind after 15 minutes. The way 
that the Air Force knew that they had won the war was that Peter 
Arnett went dark on CNN. They had knocked out his wire; they cheered 
in the Situation Room in Washington when Arnett went dark because 
they knew that everything was over. Everything after that initial 
bombing campaign is just slaughter -- just out and out slaughter with 
the Iraqis just taking it. Whether the allies came in this way or 
that is irrelevant, I believe.
Question: What do you say to the journalism students and how do you 
spark enough harassability and meanness into them?
MacArthur: You have got to fortify them with a sense that at the end 
of their careers, at the end of their lives, they are going to feel a 
lot better about themselves if they try to tell the truth than if 
they only made a million dollars, or that they got invited to the 
White House for dinner five times.
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