Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 11:39:03 -0400
To: Matthew Gaylor <>
From: Matthew Gaylor <>
Subject: EPIC's Analysis of Provisions of the Proposed Anti-Terrorism Act
 of 2001
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David L. Sobel, General Counsel * +1 202 483 1140 (tel) Electronic Privacy Information Center * +1 202 483 1248 (fax) 1718 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Suite 200 * Washington, DC 20009 USA * <>


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September 24, 2001

Analysis of Provisions of the Proposed Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001 Affecting the Privacy of Communications and Personal Information

In response to the horrendous attacks that occurred on September 11, Attorney General Ashcroft has proposed the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001 (ATA), a far-reaching legislative package intended to strengthen the nation's defense against terrorism. Several of ATA's provisions would vastly expand the authority of law enforcement and intelligence agencies to monitor private communications and access personal information. Those provisions address issues that are complex and implicate fundamental constitutional protections of individual liberty, including the appropriate procedures for interception of information transmitted over the Internet and other rapidly evolving technologies. Despite the complexity of these matters, the Attorney General has urged Congress to quickly approve the proposal, which became available for analysis only within the last several days.

As Congress considers this important piece of legislation, it should be guided by several critical factors:

*Law enforcement and intelligence agencies already possess broad authority to conduct investigations of suspected terrorist activity. In fact, Congress approved new surveillance powers to combat terrorism in late 1998. Describing those provisions after enactment, an FBI national security official said that "any one of these extremely valuable tools could be the keystone of a successful operation" against sophisticated foreign terrorists.

*Any expansion of existing authorities should be based upon a clear and convincing demonstration of need. Congress should assess the likely effectiveness of any proposed new powers in combating the threats posed by terrorist activity.

*Any new authorities deemed necessary should be narrowly drawn to protect the privacy and constitutional rights of the millions of law-abiding citizens who use the Internet and other communications media on a daily basis.

*The longstanding distinction between domestic law enforcement and foreign intelligence collection should be preserved to the greatest extent possible consistent with the need to detect and prevent terrorist activity.

*Expanded investigative powers should be limited to the investigation of terrorist activity and should not be made generally applicable to all criminal investigations.

Analysis of Specific Provisions

Pen Registers, the Internet and Carnivore

Currently, the statute authorizing the use of "pen register" and "trap and trace" devices governs real time interception of "numbers dialed or otherwise transmitted on the telephone line to which such device is attached." Although the use of such devices requires a court order, it does not require a showing of probable cause. There is, in effect, no judicial discretion, as the court must authorize monitoring upon the mere certification by a government attorney that the "information likely to be obtained by such installation and use is relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation." Therefore, these procedures lack almost all of the significant privacy protections found in Title III, the statute governing the interception of the actual "content" of a communication (e.g., a phone conversation or the text of an e-mail message).

The proposed ATA (Section 101) would significantly expand law enforcement authority to use trap and trace and pen register devices. Current law relating to the use of such devices was written to apply to the telephone industry, therefore the language of the statute refers only to the collection of "numbers dialed" on a "telephone line" and the "originating number" of a telephone call. The proposed legislation would redefine a pen register as "a device or process which records or decodes dialing, routing, addressing, or signaling information transmitted by an instrument or facility from which a wire or electronic communication is transmitted." A trap and trace device would be defined as "a device or process which captures the incoming electronic or other impulses which identify the originating number or other dialing, routing, addressing, and signaling information relevant to identifying the source or a wire or electronic communication."

By expanding the nature of the information that can be captured, the amendment clearly expands pen register capacities to the Internet, covering electronic mail, Web surfing, and all other forms of electronic communications. The full impact of this expansion of coverage is difficult to assess, as the proposed statutory definitions are vague with respect to the types of information that can be captured and are subject to broad interpretations. The proposed ATA does not take into account the unique nature of such information, which contains data far more revealing than phone numbers, such as URLs generated while using the Web which often contain a great deal of information that cannot in any way be analogized to a telephone number. Although the FBI has compared telephone calls to Internet communications to justify invocation of the existing pen register statute to authorize the use of its controversial Carnivore system, whether current law in fact grants such authority remains an open and debatable question. The proposed amendment would codify the FBI's questionable interpretation of the pen register statute, thereby closing the door to fully informed and deliberate consideration of this complex issue.


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