Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 19:17:02 -0400
To: Matthew Gaylor <>
From: Matthew Gaylor <>
Subject: Fort Wayne IN School Rewrites History
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[Note from Matthew Gaylor: In a perfect world this principal would be fired.]


Tongue Tied: Making Over the Minutemen

Monday, October 01, 2001 By Scott Norvell

The minuteman mascot at Jefferson Middle School in Fort Wayne, Ind., has had a makeover, writes columnist Kevin Leininger of the News-Sentinel. Gone is his musket, because the principal says guns have no place in schools.

The image still stands on a wall just inside the main door of the school, but was repainted recently to exclude the firearm.

Principal Michael Morris, who took over at the school in July, said: "The mural needed to be repainted anyway, and this sends a stronger, better message about patriotism. Everyone loves it."

Not everyone. "Those who would purge violence from American history do more than dishonor the sacrifices made to write that history: It gives children the inaccurate and dangerous notion that our freedoms were won and can be maintained without a struggle," writes Leininger.


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