Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 01:25:19 -0400
To: Matthew Gaylor <>
From: Matthew Gaylor <>
Subject: Update: News Networks Accept Front Sight's "Arm Our Pilots"
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From: Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 00:13:37 -600 GMT Subject: Florida News Channel and Chicago News Network Accept Front Sight's "Arm Our Pilots" Commercial


CONTACT: Dr. Ignatius Piazza 1.800.987.7719 Fax: 831.684.2137


Florida News Channel and Chicago News Network Accept Front Sight's "Arm Our Pilots" Commercial

Las Vegas, Nevada: Florida News Channel, a cable news network reaching 5 million homes in the largest population centers of Florida and CLTV Chicagoland's Television reaching another 2 million viewers, have accepted Front Sight Founder's Society 60 second "Arm Our Pilots" ad campaign. The ads will run twice per hour, during the prime time slots, several evenings in a row, starting Tuesday October 9.

Dr. Ignatius Piazza, Front Sight's Founder and Director was very pleased that these networks accepted the ads in which Front Sight encourages Americans to contact President Bush, the FAA, and the airlines to demand that our commercial pilots be armed. In the commercial Front Sight also offers to immediately train all commercial pilots and co-pilots FREE OF CHARGE that are authorized to carry a gun to defend the cockpit against terrorists.

Previously, the major networks refused to run Front Sight's ads. (See Press Release of October 4, Major Media Networks Refuse Arm Pilots Commercial) leaving some to question why Front Sight would expect networks to run free ads. Dr. Piazza states, "Our ads were NOT sent with a request to run them free of charge. On the contrary, Front Sight Founder's Society is funding the entire campaign and was prepared to pay for prime time slots. The major networks did not like the fact that we demonstrated, rather graphically, the ability of a pilot or co-pilot armed with a handgun, to stop a terrorist attack cold. We have now revised the ads and are resubmitting them to all the networks. Florida News Network and CLTV Chicago were the first to accept and run them."

Piazza continues, "Front Sight Founder's Society is paying for all the ads. We need Americans who agree with our solution to stopping airline terrorism to visit our web site ( or call toll free 1-866-ARM-PILOTS or 1.800.987.7719 and join the Founder's Society today. Every dollar will be used in the Arm Our Pilots campaign. With a very minimal contribution from everyone receiving this e-mail, we can spread the message to every television set across America. Front Sight Founder's Society is the only organization taking this ad campaign to America and Front Sight Firearms Training Institute alone stands ready to train the pilots free of charge. Help us do it. It can be done. With your support we can win this one quickly and decisively."


Dr. Ignatius Piazza1.800.987.7719 Front Sight Firearms Training Front Sight Founder's Society1.800.987.7719

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