Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 13:15:42 -0400
To: Matthew Gaylor <>
From: Matthew Gaylor <>
Subject: Re: ID card: The password to the police state
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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 03:02:20 -0400 To: Matthew Gaylor <> From: James Moyer <> Subject: Re: ID card: The password to the police state


Dare I disagree with a well intentioned article, I think Mrs. Schlafly is wrong about requiring immigrants to carry smart ID cards.

I am convinced that it would be impossible in the long run to treat aliens differently from Americans. If you want to see what your next driver's license may look like, look at the current green card, a frighteningly encompassing document. In fact, take a look at the new California license (pic at which has a lot of the features of the green card.

How can an officer demand ID from one group of people (immigrants) and not be able to do it to another group (citizens)? It almost seems inevitable that both groups would have to carry citizenship documentation.

Or you can have a situation in which the citizen just says "go away...I'm a citizen." In absence of any proof to the contrary (where "proof" does not include "speaks with an accent" or "looks foreign") the officer (or whomever) just lets you go. That's that whole innocence before guilt thing. Person claims to be a citizen, and they are trusted to be making a true claim.

But the innocence before guilt thing doesn't work so well if the immigrant says "I haven't done anything wrong and I'm not going to do anything wrong" and is not believed. (The basis of the article being that foreigners are more likely to promote acts of terrorism--and based on this idea don't deserve the same Constitutional rights.)

I'm not here to argue whether or not immigrants should have the same rights. My issue is, I don't think it's possible to operate a "selective" police state--treat some with rights, treat others without.

This idea should be compared to the income tax--we promise that only immigrants have to carry the smart ID cards--we promise that only the really rich will be taxed. Government grew too much for the latter, and I believe it can with the former as well.


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