Chief M.E. Dr. Julianna Cox / Michelle Forbes

Julianna Cox

Julianna Cox came to Baltimore as a new Chief Medical Examiner. She came back to her hometown from Buffalo, to be closer to her ill father, who died almost immediately after she came. Julianna drinks a lot, and has had a relationship with Kellerman. She also attended group sessions to deal with the death of her father. She dated Bayliss for a few weeks, making Kellerman jealous. Julianna won the M.E. of the year award, but very soon she was fired because she refused to falsify a report.

Michelle Forbes

Date of birth : February 17, 1967
Place of birth : Austin, Texas, USA;


Project Role Year
"Bellevue"   1999
Bullfighter Mary 1999
Prosecutors, The District Attorney Rachel Simone 1996
Escape from L.A. Brazen 1996
"Homicide: Life on the Street" CME Dr. Julianna Cox 1996-1998
Black Day Blue Night Rinda Woolley 1995
Road Killers, The Helen 1994
Swimming with Sharks Dawn Lockard 1994
Kalifornia Carrie Laughlin 1993
Love Bites Nerissa 1993
"Star Trek: The Next Generation" Flight Control Officer Ens. / Lt. Ro Laren 1992-1994
"Guiding Light, The" Solita Carrera / Sonni Carrera Lewis 1987-1989