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Final Fantasy girls


Welcome! My name is Yuna, and this is my site for my favorite Final Fantasy characters! This site will go in depth with Yuffie Kisaragi, Rinoa Heartilly, Quistis Trepe, Selphie Tilmitt, Yuna, Lulu, and Rikku! You may take whatever you want, that includes pics and info. When I get fanfics, please don't take them, without asking the authors, or me, because they don't belong to me.

Please don't expect everyone up at once, but I'll start off as soon as I can. Remember, Im always under construction with this site.
Quote of the day belongs to Yuna!
"I've done it! I have become a summoner!"

What's New?

Here I will post updates!


Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.