Hemi-Fontan and Bi-Directional Glenn

Zachary had two procedures performed during his open heart surgery on
August 3rd, 1998. He was born with TWO superior vena cavas (SVC), one
on the right and one on the left, and a left sided inferior vena cava.
Doctor Bove decided that it would be best for Zachary to have a Bi-
Directional Glenn on the right side and a Hemi-Fontan on the left.
First he had to expose Zachary's heart through an incision down the
middle of his chest (sternotomy). Then he was put on the heart/lung
machine and his BT shunt was removed. In the Bi-Directional Glenn
procedure, his right SVC was cut away from the heart and sewn directly
to the right pulmonary artery (the hole created in
the heart was then sewn shut). The Hemi-Fontan was performed on the
left side by making incisions in both the left SVC and Pulmonary
Artery (PA). A patch is then sewn across the top of the atrium, just
below the SVC incision, and the SVC and PA are sewn together so that
blood flows directly from the SVC into the PA. The patch prevents
blood from flowing thru the heart and into the new SVC - PA circulation
and will be removed in 12 to 18 months when he has his Fontan
procedure. He was then taken off the heart/lung machine and his chest
was closed.
A Diagram Of The Bi-Directional Glenn Procedure
A Diagram Of The Hemi-Fontan Procedure
Zachary's Heart Catheterization
Details Of Zachary's Hospital Stay

Photos Of Zachary In The PICU
Zachary's New Scar
Photos Of Zachary With His Friends At U Of M